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Archive for December, 2011

The Bottle-Neck Effect

Friday, December 2nd, 2011

    Over 500 species of plants and animals are considered at risk in Canada. The 2003 Species At Risk Act (SARA) was implemented to protect these species. However, out of those 500 species that are currently listed, only 150 have recovery strategies and only four have implemented recovery action plans.  It is clear that […]

Unraveling the Web of Alzheimer’s Disease

Friday, December 2nd, 2011

In January 2010, Dr. Cheryl Wellington and her team of researchers at the University of British Columbia made great strides by determining a potential treatment to relieve the loss of brain function caused by Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia. It is an incurable disease that progressively deteriorates mental […]

DNA, Prepare To Be Eaten!

Friday, December 2nd, 2011

Can you imagine working on something that is neither a plant nor an animal? Dr. Rosemary Redfield makes it her mission to study bacteria. Too small to see with the naked eyes, bacteria are unicellular microorganisms that do not have organelles or a nucleus. Some bacteria can be harmful to humans, whereas others can be […]

Steller Sea Lions: How can we help?

Friday, December 2nd, 2011

  Steller Sea Lions live in the Pacific Rim from Japan to California with 70% living in Alaska. Sadly, their population has been drastically declining since the 1970s due to many reasons: predation by killer whales, increase in parasites and diseases nutritional stress due to competition for food with humans. Some fishing companies even deliberately […]

The Lower Fraser Valley Warms Up to Ozone – The Warning of the Global Warming

Friday, December 2nd, 2011

In Dr. Down Steyn’s research paper, “Impact of Climate Change on Ozone Pollution in the Lower Fraser Valley, Canada,” he analyzed climate patterns to determine which types led to elevated levels of ozone. His analysis allowed him to predict if there would be an increase in episodes of elevated ozone levels in the future (2046-2065). […]

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