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Steller Sea Lions: How can we help?

Friday, December 2nd, 2011

  Steller Sea Lions live in the Pacific Rim from Japan to California with 70% living in Alaska. Sadly, their population has been drastically declining since the 1970s due to many reasons: predation by killer whales, increase in parasites and diseases nutritional stress due to competition for food with humans. Some fishing companies even deliberately […]

Will the Polar Bear be our new national animal?

Monday, November 14th, 2011

We are all familiar with the increasing global temperatures that encourage the melting of arctic ice but we don’t really think too much about how this will effect species other then ourselves. “Canada is home to two-thirds of the world’s polar bear population and we have a unique conservation responsibility to effectively care for them,” said […]

So is it too late?! Just ask David Suzuki…

Sunday, November 13th, 2011

On November 3rd, I witnessed one of the greatest examples of communicating science that I have ever seen. That evening, the University of British Columbia (UBC) was the lucky host to one of the most influential Canadians of our time: David Suzuki. He presented a lecture entitled “The Global Eco-crisis: Is it too late?”   […]

Biodegradeability: (Bio)Plastic and its (re)use

Tuesday, November 8th, 2011

Plastic Bags and Landfills: A Perspective from SJSU NEWS on Vimeo. Even though plastic, which is present in many aspects of our lives, has many applications and usages, it is not biodegradeable. The reason of the continuation of manifacturing plastic is that it “only takes up 5 percent of the world’s oil supplies and, in […]

A Step in the Right Direction: A New Power Generation Strategy

Monday, October 24th, 2011

  Figure 1: Demonstates potential incorporation of technology into existing sidewalks in populated areas. The world today is constantly struggling to find new, environmentally friendly ways to generate energy. The major power sources today include oil, gas, coal, hydroelectric, and nuclear power. Until recently no one has thought to use everyday life to help generate […]

The Green Car Trophy: Did Hybrids Cheat to Win?

Monday, September 26th, 2011

Whether you sincerely care about the environment or not you have probably heard about the Toyota Prius. As the icon of ‘green cars,’ the Prius provides spectacular fuel economy and most importantly, outputs less environmentally harmful carbon emissions. The Prius is able to achieve these feats because of its innovative hybrid drive-train, which combines a […]

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