Losing Weight in Virtual Reality?

It is needless to say that innovation, new technology, and refined techniques can affect one’s physique, be it the running machine,  exercise routines, or dietary pills. However, can something on a virtual level truly contribute to weight loss?

Figure 1. Plugin Image from the movie “The Matrix”

First, Merrian-Websters Dictionary defines virtual reality as “an artificial world that consists of images and sounds created by a computer and that is affected by the actions of a person who is experiencing it.” In other words,  it is computerized representation of our world, or an imaginary one. Thinking that something virtual can change something in the real world seems contradictory. For simplification, when we say virtual reality, the first thing that may come to mind is the movie The Matrix, where Neo the main character is plugged into the virtual world “Matrix” and fight for humanity. With this in mind, there is doubt that lying down on a table can truly make us lose weight. Nevertheless, the of process losing weight extends further away from simply being able to transfer one’s mind to another realm.

Figure 2. Screenshot of Second Life

According to investigators from The University of Kansas Medical Center, weight maintenance was significantly more effective using a virtual environment than face-to-face sessions in real life. What makes this possible is the mental attachment to the character in control. Using the web-based virtual reality environment called Second Life, participants were able to create “avatars” that are self-representations of themselves in the environment. Being able to interact in the virtual environment more freely, participants were able to “practice meal planning, grocery shopping, and dietary control when eating at restaurants and holiday parties to a much greater extent with Second Life compared with the time-limited clinic meeting”. By having continuous imagery that the avatar is him or herself, it is thought that participants will then be able to take the practiced routine out of the virtual environment and utilize it in real life.

Here is a 10 minute first-look gameplay video for Second Life by MMOHut with commentary. Viewer discretion is  advised.

YouTube Preview Image

Further research is required to gain confidence in a virtual alternative to lose weight. Most importantly, creating another self in virtual reality may alter not only one’s physical imagery but also one’s actual perceptions on the surroundings. These avatars can be modified to one’s preferences and such modification can affect one’s concept on racism, prejudice, and even values. All these questions are debatable.

By: Junki (Seraphinus) Hong



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