Are chicken nuggets chicken?

Thankfully, the answer is yes. I’m sure most people have seen the picture of the pink slime that was said to be the ‘meat’ of chicken nuggets; however, Dr. Casey Owens has proved it to be a false claim.  So what is the problem with chicken nuggets? It is the meat content that raises concern.

Image: Yipski

As I was reading an article published a month ago, I, an occasional chicken nugget consumer, felt a little bit cheated on by the fast-food chains that serve chicken nuggets. The researchers, who wrote this article, performed what they called “autopsies” on chicken nuggets of two different fast-food chains in Jackson, Mississippi and examined the stained samples to determine the types of chicken cells in the nuggets. Only muscle tissue from the breast and thighs were considered meat. In the first type of chicken nugget, around 50% of meat was found in the sample; the rest were fat, blood vessels and nerve fibers. In the second type of chicken nugget, around 40% of meat was found and the rest were fat, bone fragments and connective tissue. Researchers concluded that the chicken nuggets contained mostly fat.

The head researcher, Dr. Richard Deshazo, said that fast-food companies turned the lean-protein-rich white chicken meat, considered to be the healthier parts of the chicken, into something unhealthy by “adding in a mixture of chicken parts, battering it and frying it.” Being high in calories, fat, salt and sugar, fast-food chicken nuggets are a danger to people’s diets and waistlines, especially in a generation of high obesity, heart attack and diabetes rates.

Although this study does make me realize how unhealthy chicken nuggets are, it does have a relatively small sample size. Some fast-food chains do advertise that they use 100% white meat for their nuggets. More research on claims made by fast-food chains will benefit people’s health.

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The Autopsy of Chicken Nuggets Reads “Chicken Little”

“Pink Slime” in Chicken Nuggets?

by Cherry Lo

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