Author Archives: Amna Awan

“Junk DNA” has a use after all!

Unique face. Image taken from India Times.

Every human has a unique face and our genetics play a major role in determining the shape of our face. But we all have the same genes that control the development of our heads.  How do these genes get turned on and off? However, until now scientists have not known exactly how DNA achieves this task.

A new study has found that “junk DNA” may be responsible for unique appearances. Junk DNA or non-coding DNA is the part of the genome that does not encode for proteins. The work was published on October 25, 2013 on Science.

Axel Visel and Catia Attanasio have found around 4,000 enhancers in the human genome. Picture taken from Huff Post Science.

The researchers have found over 4,000 enhancers in the mouse genome that influence the way facial features develop. According to Axel Visel, a geneticist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, “Enhancers are part of the 98 per cent of the human genome that is non-coding DNA – long thought of as junk DNA”.  He also added, ” The expressions of these genes makes all the difference and all the countless variation all around us.”

Growth of experiment mice. Image retrieved from Live Science

How did they test whether enhancers were responsible for shaping our face? Visel’s team deleted three of the enhancers in mice and compared them with an unmodified mice at 8 weeks of age. The results of this experiment showed that the deletion of each enhancer caused subtle changes in the shape of the face.

Earlier, enhancers had no directly visible role of shaping an organism, but now we know that these genetic sequence can add a layer of complexity.

This research could help us understand how things can go wrong as embryos develop in the womb. However, Professor Visel said it was very unlikely in the near future that DNA could be used to predict someone’s exact appearance.

‘Junk’ DNA could determine face shape, scientists sayNew Research Finds How Genes Shape FacesFine Tuning of Craniofacial Morphology by Distant-Acting Enhancers

– Amna Awan

Does the source of omega-3 matter?


It is clear that we need a certain amount of nutrients in order for our bodies to function normally. But the questions is, is the source of these nutrients better from supplementation or from whole foods?

Previous studies suggest that eating whole fish may have additional benefits to being a dietary source of omega-3. Omega-3 fatty acid is important in the prevention of chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease and arthritis.

Rich sources of omega-3 include canola oil, walnuts, and fish oil. The Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation recommends consumption of fat rich fish at least three times a week.

Omega-3 food sources. Image taken from Healthable.

In 2012, Brazionis et al.  showed that eating fish had a greater and more positive impact on health than people taking fish oil supplements. The decrease in  the patient’s waist to hip ratio and blood pressure was more evident in people who ate fish.

Fish oil versus fish. Image taken from Independent.


According to Jamieson (2010), fish oil supplementation poses the risk of over consumption of fatty acids mostly due to the fact that taking supplements does not result in a sense of satiety.

Excessive omega-3 fatty acids may result in blood in urine, nose bleeding and
hemorrhagic strokes. A study by Bruso concluded that excessive fish oil supplementation may also result in heavy metal contamination, excessive intake of vitamin A and D and omega-3 fatty acids, increased bleeding time, and slower wound healing.

It appears that the benefits of eating fish as a source of omega-3 outweigh
the benefits of taking fish oil supplements. It is safer and more effective to obtain omega-3 from eating whole fish. Fish supplements should be considered when there is a lack of fish in the diet due to allergies, or lack of availability of fish.

The next time you eat fish, remember all the good things you can get from this amazing food.

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More bad news for fish oil supplements. Video uploaded by Brian Olson.


The effects of fish or fish oil on the omega-3 index, Can you overdose on fish oil?

– Amna Awan

Green Tea: What are the health benefits?

Green tea. Image Courtesy of Auto Connect Green Tea.



You will never look at a cup of green tea the same way again!

As we know, there are various studies which suggest that green tea is healthy and can halt the progression of diseases, such as cancer, arthritis, cardiovascular diseases and blood pressure.

To our surprise, however, there have been recent studies which show that green tea has a compound which blocks the production of inflammatory molecules.

” Researchers in Cincinnati, USA, have carried out experiments in human lung cells, treated with a compound – tumour necrosis factor – the triggers inflammation. When they exposed the cells to a component of green tea – epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EPCG) – production of a key molecule in the inflammatory process was blocked.”

Furthermore, Dr. Linda Johnson, a writer for the Alamogordo Daily News, explains how green tea has many positive health and mental benefits. She uses many examples, such as lowering cholesterol to illustrate her point. Moreover, some of the health benefits of green tea include increasing metabolism, controlling blood sugar levels, and reducing inflammation. Green tea also has calming effects on the nervous system. Furthermore, it can also help with preventing depression and stress.

Dr. Linda Johnson, Image Courtesy of Balanced Health.

Polyphenols, which have antioxidants properties, are found in green tea. Antioxidants prevent damage to cells and DNA caused by free radicals. According to Johnson (2011), “The aging process and many diseases have shown to be impacted by free radicals”

 Oh, and remember– green tea makes the best smoothies.

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Balancing your health: Green tea has many benefitsHow green tea reduces inflammation

by Amna Awan