Category Archives: Biological Sciences

Getting a Grip on Hydrogen Fuel: Metal-Organic Frameworks

Hydrogen is  considered as one of the most volatile elements known to man. Yet, if this explosive hydrogen gas can be safely stored it can instead be used as a new fuel source, which would benefit the world at large. Recent advances in chemical engineering have produced a family of materials,  with the ability to efficiently adsorb (store) hydrogen gas. These materials, known as Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), are a molecular structure that allows us the opportunity to take advantage of hydrogen as a fuel source. There are several benefits to using hydrogen as an energy source, one being that it can be readily produced for domestic use. For example, hydrogen can be generated from natural gas and biogas sources, as well as through the electrolysis (splitting) of water. This is favourable because the sources required to produce hydrogen are renewable, thus there is no need to worry about production shortages. Another advantage is that hydrogen is eco-friendly, in that using it in a fuel cell does not produce any greenhouse gases or air pollutants, and is not contributing to the effects of global warming.

In the following video, the basis of metal-organic frameworks in hydrogen gas storage is discussed, along with the associate research published by UBC graduate student Angela Crane:

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With so many potential benefits, you may wonder why MOF technology is not currently being utilized in hydrogen-fueled vehicles, to provide a viable green alternative. The problem lies with the MOF’s mechanism of hydrogen adsorption and desorption (release), where the flow of hydrogen in and out of the structure is, for the most part, only through methods involving extreme cooling and heating. This system of temperature-regulated gas delivery enables precise control over hydrogen flow and greater storage capacities, however it is an impractical system to adopt in vehicles.

Source: Animated

To remove the need of temperature for driving gas regulation and improving overall storage in the MOF structure, scientists are actively searching to optimize the material. They do this by increasing the available hydrogen binding sites and encouraging optimal pore-size, meaning hydrogen is better able to enter and remain in the MOF. In her research, Angela Crane investigats triptycene and pentiptycene, two large organic linkers with the potential for optimal pore size and orientation, thus being favourable in adsorbing hydrogen. When the MOF’s were tested for gas adsorption, however, she discovered that the complexity of the structure led to blockage of the pore-openings. This finding illustrates how the mechanics behind metal-organic frameworks are more complex than what one would expect from its relatively simple molecular structure.

Source Wikipedia:

Hydrogen fuel cells have the potential to revolutionize how we power the world. These devices lack all the liabilities associated with more conventional fossil fuels; most importantly pollution, and even other, less recognized concerns such as global conflict and of the depletion natural resources.  The current state of hydrogen fuel cell research has some significant drawbacks that will have to be addressed in order for this technology to become a viable alternative energy source. Currently, conventional methods for producing hydrogen gas relies on the use of methane, a fossil fuel, making this process inherently unsustainable. There is hope, however, in the way of MOFs, which may one day provide an effective storage medium for hydrogen gas, if a sustainable method of hydrogen synthesis can be found.

Information on the drawbacks of hydrogen fuel is available below:

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While the focus of metal-organic frameworks has been primarily based on hydrogen storage,  MOFs have shown potential in various other applications as well. MOFs are currently being implemented for a variety of uses; acting as filtration systems, drug delivery components, fluorescent-imaging vectors and catalytic systems, to name a few. Due to the relatively simple production process, MOFs have now become commercially mass-produced. With their basic structure and efficient manufacture, the future for metal-organic frameworks is not limited to hydrogen gas storage, and its broad spectrum of use gives these frameworks unprecedented potential.

-Natasha Smyrnis, Sungbin Choi, Gurneet Kalra



The New Chemistry of MOFs, Metal Organic Frameworks

Plants – A Better Way to Fuel

Long line-up at the US Costco gas station for cheaper gas. Credit: Paul Sakuma

It is that time of the year again, when your neighbours brag about all the cheap items that they bring back from the south. But believe it or not, the one common thing that all these Canadian shoppers who pass the border for the US Black Friday sale come back with is neither discounted clothing nor electronics. Rather, it is gas.

The price of fuel has been skyrocketing over the past few years, compelling the Canadian industry to seek alternatives to fossil fuels. One of the most popular alternatives lies in the area of biofuels, a renewable and economical energy source derived from the products of living organisms such as the sugar secretions of plants. However, the problems with production efficiency and environment sustainability affiliated with biofuels have hindered their general adaptation in the industries.

Arabidopsis Thaliana secretes sugars which can be processed for biofuels. Credit: Thomas Meyer

Last year, an attempt to resolve the problem was done when Gabriel Levesque-Tremblay and his colleagues at the University of British Columbia conducted a research on the role of vesicle transport of sugars from the Golgi Apparatus to the cell wall of a small flowering Arabidopsis plant.

With prior knowledge of the functions of a particular plant gene, which encodes proteins that play a significant role in cellular secretion, Gabriel’s research team inhibited the expression of this gene, namely the ECHIDNA gene, in plant seeds to study the changes in the activity of secretory vesicles containing the polysaccharides, or sugars.

Granule accumulation inside the cell. Credit: content/early/2013/09/20/pcp.pct129. full.pdf+html

They found that without the expression of the ECHIDNA gene, the cells are still able to transport sugars across the Golgi apparatus. However, the secretory vesicles are unable to fuse with the cell wall of the plant, resulting in clusters of vesicles accumulating near the cell membrane. In other words, without the proper functioning of this ECHIDNA gene, the plant is unable to secrete the sugar products that the industry needs to extract to use as biofuels.

The following podcast introduces the two novel techniques that Gabriel’s study used to knock off the gene of interest in order to study the genetic effect of proteins on the plant’s vesicular transport and subsequently the secretion of sugars.

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Gabriel’s study suggests that the ECHIDNA gene, as well as perhaps other unidentified genes in plants, plays a critical role in controlling the vesicular fusion with the cell wall. Consequently, the ECHIDNA gene also regulates the efficiency of plant secretion. This opens window into increasing the secretion yield of plants. Engineers may be able to modify the genes to improve the fusion of cellular vesicles with cell walls and enhance the efficiency of cellular secretion. Ultimately, this could allow more sugar extractions from the plants to be used as biofuels and potentially lower gas prices

For more details about the experiment and more examples of the industrial applications of biofuel, check out the following video:

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Ziharrphil Magnaye, Connie Lee, Nick Hsieh (Group 3)



Cellulose, Why Does It Matter?

Imagine a world without cellulose, what would you see on land? Nothing. There would be no plants, meaning there would be no oxygen in the atmosphere and therefore nothing on the planet would survive. Cellulose is an organic compound, which means that it contains carbon and oxygen, bound together through a strong cell-cell interaction between the oxygen molecules. This interaction is so strong that the human body cannot break it down if ingested. Furthermore, cellulose is used in many different products, such as paper, clothes and food.

Arabidopsis thaliana plant at its flowering stage. Image taken from Flickr.

Dr. Miki Fujita and her team investigated the effects of a certain mutation in plant has on the cell wall crystallinity, which can have huge implications for all of us. Although published this year, the research initiated in Australia seventeen years ago. The research group at Australian National University obtained the genetically engineered plants and conducted the biochemical studies. Dr. Fujita carried out the microscopy work and cellulose analysis of crystallinity at the Biology Imaging Facility shared by the Botany and Zoology Departments at the University of British Columbia. This work was done at these two different locations.

Racks of Petri dishes of Arabidopsis thaliana growing in a growing chamber. Image taken from Miki Fujita.

To produce the transgenic, genetically modified, plants to work with, Miki Fujita and her team introduced and inserted genes from another organism to the Arabidopsis thaliana plant, which was used because of its ability to grow quickly. Using the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) machine, the specific sequence of the gene that will be inserted is amplified, creating a vast quantity of the sequence. The first step is to amplify the Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). DNA fragments are mixed with an enzyme solution in a tube, and placed in a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) machine. This technique allows scientists to create a great quantity of a specific sequence of DNA. The PCR machine starts with a denaturing step where samples of DNA are heated for several minutes. The temperature on the PCR is then cooled for several minutes, allowing the left and right primers to base pair to their complementary sequences. Lastly, the temperature on the PCR is raised again for one minute, allowing polymerase to attach and synthesize a new DNA strand. The recombinant DNA produced by the PCR machines is put into plants to make transgenic plants.

Dr. Fujita using the specialized microscope at the Biology Imaging Facility. Image taken from Miki Fujita.

This research has great implications, whether economical or environmental, cellulose can make life better. Enhancing the cell wall crystallinity will increase the amount of cellulose, which will lead to an increase in the availability of our everyday products, such as paper, clothes and eventually biofuels.

The significance of this research is highlighted in the audio podcast below:

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For more information about the experiment, please watch the video below: YouTube Preview Image

Prezi in-class presentation.

By Amna Awan, Steven Cheema, Cherry Lo (Group 4)

Deadly virus potentially carried by camels?

Camel Source:Wikipedia

The fact that animals possess the ability to spread and give diseases to humans is universally known; a general example being the transmission of HIV from non-human primates to humans, a virus which has now infected millions worldwide. In the past year it is believed that the outbreak of the recently discovered MERS disease, too has an, albeit unusual, animal origin. MERS (Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome) was first detected in September of 2012, yet only in the past months have researchers been able to suggest that the source of this new virus is in fact camels.

Despite its recent appearance, MERS has quickly become a global concern as the disease is seen to have a high mortality rate, where nearly 50% of all 150 infected individuals have died. MERS patients generally display symptoms of fever, coughing and shortness of breath, which eventually can progress to pneumonia and/or renal (kidney) failure. MERS is caused by a species of virus known as the coronavirus, a type of virus that was also responsible for the SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) outbreak nearly ten years ago, a disease which displays similar symptoms to the of MERS.

Coronavirus Source:Wikipedia

Researchers have been working tirelessly to gather more information on the source and viral characteristics of this potentially devastating disease, and their efforts have not been in vain.  As August of this year, scientist were able to locate and isolate antibodies (proteins selectively produced by the body to remove the virus) in numerous camels within Oman region of Saudi Arabia. Despite this not being a definitive proof of that camels are the true source of the virus, it does strongly suggest the possibility that the virus was first infecting camels and then was passed to human in close proximity. Scientists have also been able to determine that the disease itself is relatively difficult to catch. The virus has very poor person-to-person transmission, which means as of present, we have little to fear of this disease becoming an epidemic. Still, health and government organizations should not dismiss the potential threat of MERS, as viruses such as these can mutate and gain the ability to spread easily throughout a population, much like the SARS outbreak seen 10 years earlier.

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Natasha Smyrnis


Camel tests positive for Mers virus, Coronavirus

Cellphone Radiation: Harmful?

image source: flickr

In modern times, especially in developed countries, it’s safe to say that the majority of people own a cellular device. In fact, Statistics Canada declared that in 2010, a whopping 78% of Canadian households owned a cellphone. According to the US National Cancer Institute (NCI), cellphones emit radio waves, which tissues closest to the source can absorb. As part of our daily lives in this booming technology-dependent world, it’s worth noting any possible harm caused by cellular phones.

Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) is a measure of how much radio energy is absorbed by the body. In Canada, the limit is a maximum of 1.6 watts per kilogram and a cellular company must meet this requirement to get certified. The cellphone you currently have should have a lower SAR value than this; however, if you’re curious, a list of SAR values is available online. Furthermore, the SAR value can change depending on the distance of the phone from the closest contact. CNET’s Kent German explained that cellphone manuals of brands, like the iPhone and Blackberry, advise the users to keep the phone a certain distance from the ear. These are the same manuals disregarded by the users. Lastly, he added, “What’s more, though science hasn’t proven that cell phones can cause brain cancer or other ailments, it hasn’t proven definitively that they aren’t harmful, either”

image source: wikipedia commons

More studies conclude that cellphone use doesn’t have an adverse effect on our health and safety; however, there are reviews reporting that some studies found an increased cancer risk affiliated with cellphone  use. A number of prominent, peer reviewed studies indicating that cell phone radiation can cause genetic damage, brain and blood cell dysfunction and a host of health problems including cancer“,  Dr. George Carlo said.

 There is a lot of uncertainty involved with the research regarding the negative impacts of radiation emitted by cellphones. Moreover, there are no absolute repercussions in using a cellphone nor a statement that says it’s completely harmless.

In the following video, Dr. Sanjay Gupta talks about the possible effects of exposure to radiation, adult and children’s susceptibility, and safety guidelines.

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In addition to Dr. Gupta’s safety advice, the Natural Health News has provided 10 ways to minimize our exposure to the harmful radiation of cellphones.

The Environmental Working Group announced that the World Health Organization made associations between cellphone use and brain cancer, sperm damage, and behavioural changes. Despite all of these possible harmful effects, why are we not conducting more research that can lead us to a more definite answer? A recent Vancouver Sun article states that Health Canada is allegedly manipulating reports on cellphone radiation. Why is this happening? What impedes further study regarding the topic?

-Ziharrphil Magnaye


MobileSyrup, National Cancer Institute, cnet, SAR Values, cnet, Taylor and Francis Online, Mobile Phones and Cancer,, Environmental Working Group, Vancouver Sun




Burning Fats In The Winter With Chili Peppers

When you wake up in the dark at 7:00 am in the morning, you know that winter is here. For me, this is the time of the year when I crave for hot spicy stews every meal. But like most girls, I am afraid of gaining weight from eating so much and constantly find myself on the dilemma of whether to dig in or not. If you find yourself in the same situation as me, here is the good news! Research has found that low temperatures and chili peppers could help burn our body fat!

Chili peppers help to fight fats in body. Credit: iStock

Researchers from the Hokkaido University of Japan recently found that spending time in cold weather and consuming chili peppers allow a person to burn more energy because low temperature and the chemicals in chili peppers seem to stimulate and increase the activity of brown fat cells.

Brown and White Fat Cells. Credit: Susan Ardizzoni.

There are two types of fat in our body, namely the brown adipose tissue and the white adipose tissue. While brown fat cells burn off energy, white fat cells store energy and are responsible for making some people fat. Brown fat cells appear red-brown because they contain many mitochondria, which produce a large amount of energy in the form of ATP. And white fat cells appear white, or pale, under the microscope. Below is a clip which I found very clear on explaining the differences between the two different fats.
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In the Japanese study, eight subjects with little brown fat tissue were recruited and exposed to a low temperature of 17 °C for two hours daily for six weeks. Comparing with the control participants who went about their normal lives during the experiment, the study found that the eight subjects who were exposed to low temperature had an average of 5% less body fat and less white fat cells. They also burned on average more energy than those in the control group.

In addition, the researchers studied people who ate chili peppers, which contain capsinoids, or substances that give chili peppers the hot taste. It was also found the participants burned more energy than the control group when exposed to cold. This result was consistent with a previous study which found that Ingesting capsinoids increased the levels of fat breakdown in our body, showing that capsinoid plays a pivotal role in fat reduction in mildly obese individuals.

Even though the reduction of white adipose tissue from cold exposure was somewhat expected, it was not expected that capsinoid in chili pepper would have an impact on energy and fat metabolism. The researchers concluded the study by stating that “capsinoids appear to [simulate] brown fat in the same way as cold, by ‘capturing’ the same cellular system that the body’s nervous system uses to increase heat production.”

While chemicals like capsinoids, which stimulate brown fat cells, demonstrate potential application in obesity treatments in the future, it is comforting to know that eating a bit more hot spicy stew than normal will not have a significant impact weight for now!

– By Connie (Kangchi) Lee


Cold temperatures and chili peppers could help burn fat

Capsinoids and related food ingredients activating brown fat thermogenesis and reducing body fat in humans

Schadenfreude. Your pain, my gain?

Have you ever stifled a laugh when you witnessed someone do something embarrassing? Although it feels a bit wrong to do that, it can’t be helped sometimes. It is called schadenfreude—the feeling of pleasure from others’ sufferings. It is a German word that literally translates to “Harm-Joy”, the opposite of empathy. Empathy is a trait humans possess that allows humans to sense and sympathize with the emotional states of other people.

Laughing at other’s misfortunes. Is it normal?

In a recent study done by professors at Princeton University, they investigated the relationship between schadenfreude and envy. They came up with three conditions that predict schadenfreude: “(1) when the misfortune benefits the observer, (2) when the misfortune seems deserved, and (3) when the misfortune befalls on an envied target.” They proposed that envied targets are the greatest victims of schadenfreude as people feel better about themselves after witnessing someone enviable fail. Their classification of enviable targets consists of the rich and people of high status.

To test this claim, the researchers presented the subjects with photographs associated with different stereotypes, such as rich professionals, drug addicts, and the elderly. Participants were asked how those images made them feel. Obviously, the subjects did not want to reveal their envy; therefore, researchers used an electromyogram to record electrical activity of facial movements when the subject smiled, capturing the “malicious glee” of the subjects’ responses to negative happenings of the envied targets.

Interestingly, the proposed phenomenon is not pathological, but a normal human response. Thrown in competitive environments in school and work places, it is difficult not to be envious of others of higher status. While wanting to achieve a greater standing, one may have become preoccupied with bringing other people down instead of improving themselves. Furthermore, the indifferent attitude may causes discrimination and conflicts within societies. Therefore, we need to be careful not to take things too far the next time we have an urge to laugh at someone else’s misfortune.



Their pain, our pleasure: stereotype content and schadenfreude



by Cherry Lo

“Junk DNA” has a use after all!

Unique face. Image taken from India Times.

Every human has a unique face and our genetics play a major role in determining the shape of our face. But we all have the same genes that control the development of our heads.  How do these genes get turned on and off? However, until now scientists have not known exactly how DNA achieves this task.

A new study has found that “junk DNA” may be responsible for unique appearances. Junk DNA or non-coding DNA is the part of the genome that does not encode for proteins. The work was published on October 25, 2013 on Science.

Axel Visel and Catia Attanasio have found around 4,000 enhancers in the human genome. Picture taken from Huff Post Science.

The researchers have found over 4,000 enhancers in the mouse genome that influence the way facial features develop. According to Axel Visel, a geneticist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, “Enhancers are part of the 98 per cent of the human genome that is non-coding DNA – long thought of as junk DNA”.  He also added, ” The expressions of these genes makes all the difference and all the countless variation all around us.”

Growth of experiment mice. Image retrieved from Live Science

How did they test whether enhancers were responsible for shaping our face? Visel’s team deleted three of the enhancers in mice and compared them with an unmodified mice at 8 weeks of age. The results of this experiment showed that the deletion of each enhancer caused subtle changes in the shape of the face.

Earlier, enhancers had no directly visible role of shaping an organism, but now we know that these genetic sequence can add a layer of complexity.

This research could help us understand how things can go wrong as embryos develop in the womb. However, Professor Visel said it was very unlikely in the near future that DNA could be used to predict someone’s exact appearance.

‘Junk’ DNA could determine face shape, scientists sayNew Research Finds How Genes Shape FacesFine Tuning of Craniofacial Morphology by Distant-Acting Enhancers

– Amna Awan

A “Blueprint” to Better Health

Source: Wikipedia Drawing-syringes-with-needle.jpg

 With the coming of winter, flu season is upon us and many of our healthcare providers have begun encouraging us to get vaccinated against this deadly influenza virus. The threat of seasonal flu is felt across the globe, causing 250,000 to 500,000 deaths per year, and is the first leading cause death by infectious disease in children. Despite its occurrence being so widespread, there has been no vaccine developed that can provide complete protection from the virus, that it is to say, no vaccine until this past year. Researchers at the Imperial College London have recently come up with a “blueprint” for, what they believe to be is, a universal flu vaccine.

This theoretical vaccine would be taking a newer approach to vaccination, and could potentially be used against all existing forms of the flu as well as any new flu strains that may develop. One of the reasons for the flu being an annual reoccurring problem is that the virus has the ability to continuously change its outer physical characteristics, so that it is no longer recognized by your body’s immune system; in particular by your antibodies.

Influenza Virus: Source Wikipedia

All conventional vaccinations act to provide the body with antibodies against a specific pathogen type, so that when you are exposed to that disease your body will be prepared to easily clear the infection. While this form of vaccination is successful against many diseases such as small pox, diphtheria, and measles, it is much less effective against the influenza virus as the changing of the viral-surface renders the antibodies obsolete. The aim of this new universal vaccine, however, is not to activate the immune system’s antibodies but rather activate an entirely different area of our immune system, that being our CD8+ T-cells.

CD8 Tcell Source Wikipedia: Blausen_0625_Lymphocyte_T_cell.png

Rather than recognize a virus by its surface characteristics, as is the case with antibodies, a CD8+T-cell will identify a virus by its internal material that is common to all strains of that virus. Now you may ask, if there is another more effective way of clearing the flu, why doesn’t our body simply use  T-cells and forget about antibodies? The problem is, that when faced with infection, our body is ‘hard-wired’ to first use an antibody response since that is usually the best defence against most diseases. Unfortunately that is not the case with influenza, and it is for that reason that this new vaccine aims to by-pass the antibody response and activate the T-cell response instead.

Despite the discovery that T-cell mediated immunity is effective against the flu and that a theoretical blueprint has been made using this information, an actual vaccine which can be mass-produced and distributed is still quite a few years away.  However, researchers are encouraged by their results thus far, and believe that an effective vaccine is not only plausible, but inevitable.

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-Natasha Smyrnis


Cellular immune correlates of protection against symptomatic pandemic influenza, Scientists take big step towards universal flu vaccine, Vaccination, CD8+ T cell effector mechanisms in resistance to infection.