Tag Archives: obesity

FDA-Approved Artificial Sweeteners: Negative Effects and Health Benefits

image source: farm4.staticflickr.com/

Human consumption of artificial sweeteners has increased over the years. This is apparent in the increased emergence of “sugar- free” or “diet” food and beverages at grocery stores. Furthermore, sugar substitutes come  in packets, liquid form, and/or incorporated into our favourite food and drinks. Their abundance and easy accessibility increases our exposure, and consequently, our consumption of the said products. In turn, we need to assess the potential negative effects of artificial sweeteners on the health, as well as the health benefits.

Artificial sweeteners are consumed mainly for weight control and for prevention of diabetes. Diabetic people, however, use artificial sweeteners because they generally do not raise blood sugar levels, as they are not made of carbohydrates – according to a health-oriented website article. In addition, the same source stated that artificial sweeteners practically do not have calories and hence they’re dubbed “non-nutritive sugars”. These are the factors that drive for the consumption of artificial sweeteners. In contrast, what are the possible side effects?

A recent post made by a former editor of Harvard Health exclaims that artificial sugars are much sweeter than their natural counterparts; therefore, consumption of these sugars can overstimulate the taste receptors which could result in less tolerance for more complex taste – characteristic of fruits and vegetables. More importantly, I found this article to be alarming. It only talks about a couple of artificial sweeteners – sucralose and aspartame; however it suggests that they are carcinogens and can potentially promote the development of certain diseases.

In my opinion the negative effects outweigh the health benefits of these artificial sweeteners. Weight gain and the onset of diabetes can be prevented by consuming healthy alternatives, exercise, and adequate rest. On the contrary, sometimes we can’t control what is contained within the processed food and beverages we purchase at the store.

I stumbled upon a  report of the toxicity effects of Aspartame published by the US Food and Drug Administration. Despite all of this, why are artificial sweeteners FDA-approved? I believe that the governments around the world should fund more intensive safety studies for the safety and well-being of the consumers.

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Sweeteners, Artificial sweeteners and other sugar substitutes, Artificial sweeteners: sugar-free, but at what cost?, The health dangers of artificial sweetners, Reported asparatame toxicity effects

by: Ziharrphil Magnaye