2. Language Activity

Image by Koen Pieters, Retrieved from photography_composition_31.jpg

Understanding and using photographic composition techniques to improve your photography, begins with learning the vocabulary involved. Intuitively many people can comment if they feel a photo is “good” or not, but without an understanding of composition terms, it can be very difficult to articulate why an image is compositionally effective.

Try This

Using only your prior knowledge, look at the image above and try and write a sentence or two describing why the image is compositionally effective, or not. After you have written your paragraph, share it here in a class discussion on the topic. Once you have completed your discussion post, take a moment to read your classmates responses.

Terms such leadings lines, rule of thirds and s-curves are a few examples of the terms used in describing a photos composition. To learn about these terms and more, download and complete the following worksheet. You may work with a partner to complete the worksheet, however you must each submit your own worksheet for evaluation to the class website here.

Download Vocabulary Worksheet

Once you have completed the worksheet, practice using your new vocabulary by submitting an updated discussion response to the image above from the “Try This” activity. How many compositional elements from the worksheet can you see used by the photographer in the image above?

Proceed to Group Critique