3. Critique Activity

Image by Joseph Light, Retrieved from Focus-on-Composition-The-S-Curve

You should now be aware of some of the basic vocabulary and techniques used in composing photographs, now it’s time put your new knowledge into to practice.

Critique Activity – Group

  1. Visit the “Critique Activity’ discussion on the class website here.
  2. Find your four preassigned group members in the class.
  3. Critique the photograph assigned to your group. Use the new vocabulary learned in the previous activity to identify what compositional techniques were employed by the photographer. Remember, sometimes only one compositional technique may have been used, though likely several are at play in a successful image.
  4. Working as a group, write a concise one paragraph compositional critique of the photo. Post your groups reply to the discussion form.
  5. One member from each group will be asked present their groups image and critique. All group members will participate in the subsequent class discussion of each groups presentation.

Proceed to Photography Activity