Connect Announcements

Connect Announcements

Archive for the ‘Connect’ Category

Connect Maintenance – Saturday, June 2, 2012 07:30 – 08:00 PT

Posted by: | May 30, 2012

The Connect services ( will be unavailable on Saturday, June 2 (07:00 – 08:00 PT) due to server maintenance.

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Filed under: Connect, Service Maintenance

Connect Maintenance – Tuesday, May 15th (Noon – 13:00 PT)

Posted by: | May 15, 2012 | no comments

There is scheduled maintenance today between Noon – 13:00PT. The Connect ( custom theme page will be changed. Users will notice a “different” look once logged in. This is only temporary and will be changed back within the hour. User access will NOT be affected.

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Filed under: Connect, Service Maintenance

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