The course has been available for registration since about midnight this morning and.. has mostly filled up. Specifically, there were three blocks of seats:
- 30 seats for 3rd year BCS students (full)
- 30 seats for 3rd year students in other CPSC specializations (not yet full as of writing this message)
- 12 unrestricted seats (although students must still meet the course prerequisites; full)
The waitlist for the course should open soon, either today or tomorrow morning. Note that we’ll pull students from the waitlist on a first-come, first-served basis into seats that open up (respecting the seat restrictions above until and unless the department advises us otherwise) with two expections:
- Watlisted students who miss one of the Saturday workshops will not be added to the course.
- Students who will graduate in the November ceremony (i.e., meet graduation requirements by the end of the summer) with CPSC 436I but not without it may be prioritized for seats, including overriding restrictions. That would be a discussion with your program advisor.
Be aware that most students who have spoken with me about this (since I am program advisor for BCS) did not actually meet these requirements. (I.e., they either wouldn’t graduate with CPSC 436I, would already graduate without it, or had alternate choices.) Please do a basic check of that yourself before consuming program advisor time!