Email to Potential Writing Team Member 2

Date: September 18, 2019
Subject: ENGL301 Professional Writing Team


Hi Tameen,

I am writing in regards to creating a prospective professional writing team for ENGL301. I have also reached out to Priyanka Patel, but am yet to receive a reply.

It would be great if we could team up for the rest of the course, as I believe that our strengths and weaknesses are very compatible. Furthermore, I saw on your letter of application that you have experience working in a professional environment, handling contracts, addendum, and reports. I too have similar experience working in a field in which my primary tasks were to create formal documents, proof reading contracts, appendices, and such.

You have also stated that your main weakness is that you don’t have experience working with other students online. I am also in the same boat, and I think with active and direct communication, we would both learn how to utilise online platforms for effective teamwork.

I believe that we could make a great constructive team with mutual respect, open-mindedness, and integrity.

I hope to hear back soon, and you can reach me at
Enclosed is a copy of my Letter of Application.

Thanks a lot,

Chae Rin

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