CWG Overview

The image is divided into four sections from top to bottom. The top section heading is CWG, Comprehension of Written Grammar Test by Susan Easterbrooks and Joanna Cannon, 2019. The second section heading is What is the CWG test? The CWG test is a research-based assessment for struggling readers. The CWG test assesses the reader's ability to read and understand 26 grammatical structures (as in passive sentences such as 'He was bitten by the dog'). The third section heading is Taking the CWG test. There is an image of an open laptop with the format of the test laid out on the screen. A top box on the screen has the sentence 'This is the sample sentence.' Below that are three boxes labeled A, B, and C with blurred images on them. The text to the right of the laptop image reads How to take the test. One, read the sentence. Two, select the matching picture. Three, complete all 52 sentences. Four, get test results by email. Time, approximately 20 minutes. Cost, Free. The fourth section reads Who is the CWG test for? Anyone of any age who can already read simple sentences with common vocabulary. What information is in the test results email? Total sentences correct. Detailed accuracy for each of the 26 grammatical structures.