How to take the test
- Have learners complete the test by clicking this link:
- Enter a name (or pseudonym)
- Enter an email address that will receive the results (typically the teacher’s email address)
- Press ‘Next‘
- The learner silently reads each sentence & clicks on the picture that best matches the grammatical meaning of the sentence
How to interpret the results of the test
- Receive an email with the results showing each item that the learner selected in error
- Compare the results of incorrect items to the record form and grammar structures
- Look at the ‘Interpreting Results‘ and ‘Teaching Strategies’ pages to gather ideas for next steps in instruction (under development)
Purpose of the test
The Comprehension of Written Grammar (CWG; Easterbrooks & Cannon, 2019) test is designed to document a struggling reader’s ability to read sentences written in targeted grammatical contexts
Theoretical basis
Based on Chomsky’s Minimalist Program Functional & Lexical categories (Chomsky, 2005)
Test structure
- 52 items – CWG Record Form_2019 of all test items
- Sentences are written in targeted grammatical contexts
- 26 Grammatical Structures assessed
- Each structure is assessed twice
Easterbrooks, S. R. & Cannon, J. E. (2019). Comprehension of written grammar test [Online, open access assessment]. Retrieved from