Week 4: Letters

After reading through Simon Bolivar’s letter to Jamaica in response to Henry Cullen’s what I find incredible is how he manages to express his political and philosophical point of view on Latin America in comparison to Marti’s letter to the world, specifically targeting towards Cuba. Both have the same ideas on fighting and obtaining independence yet express their views on it in different ways.

Bolivar’s letter to Jamaica was for Spain declaring independence on Latin America, as he felt there were several reasons for Latin America to be free from control of Europe. As Bolivar expresses in his letter, he starts with explaining reasons as to why Latin America should have its independence, as he does he gives a metaphor explaining how its a scenario where Latin America has no control over their own region and its like they are “children” with no control. As he continues, he expresses his thoughts on the aftermath after Latin America gains their independence in how everyone in the region need to come together after they gain their independence.

Marti’s letter was expressed in a more poetic way which I believe benefits him to express his voice using pathos to the audience. He focuses on how not only Spain is interested in Cuba but the U.S is as well. His words were to purposely motivate people to come together to gain an independence and not be controlled by another region. In his writing as it is expressed in a more poetic way he uses a variety of metaphors throughout the text to fully explain his point of view.

Both texts had different diction overall however they all have a similar message on gaining independence whether it was written directly to those in control of the region or to the people themselves to motivate them to fight for independence, these two writers have a clear mind on what should be done and how they will maintain themselves as one region independently.

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