3D Modelling Miniature Paintings

The Model Images project brings together art history and visual arts researchers to examine how 3D modelling software can be deployed as a tool for art historical and creative inquiry. Using 18th and 19th C North Indian (Awadh) miniature paintings the team is first tracing miniature paintings in AutoCAD tracing, developing multiple interpretations of the possible plans and elevations and building 3D models using Autocad and Autodesk 3DS max. The team is also deconstructing the paintings using Adobe Photoshop layers to analyze representations of carpets, portable objects, clothing, etc. We aim to be able to create a model of the paintings that one can walk into virtually and examine what new insights into the conception and representation of 3D space are possible as a result. Student researchers also benefit from acquiring practical drafting and modeling skills in conjunction with traditional humanistic research skills.

Date – June 2012 – present
Funding – Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council for Canada
Researchers – Hussein Keshani, Fan Yiqiang, Herraj Luhano, Robert Rast, Nadine Bradshaw, Alexa Porteous

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A Database of the Visual Culture of Awadh

The Awadh Visual Culture Database project aims to create a comprehensive visual database of Awadhi visual culture using original field research photographs and museum collections. The team is working on designing a database structure, digitizing records and making the database available online. The database will include, historic photographs, architectural drawings, maps, paintings, portable objects etc. The project will make primary evidence more easily available to researchers of Awadh culture and history. Researchers will benefit from acquiring database design skills and applying them to art historical research.

Dates – June 2012 – present
Funding – Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council for Canada
Researchers – Hussein Keshani, MaryAnn Lawrenchuk, Dana Harold

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World Art History and Digital Media

The world art history mashup project examines how the concept of world art history can be applied to design a web interface that remixes existing online art historical resources like the Heilbrunn timeline at the Metropolitan Museum of Art website. This will be a new resource for the teaching of introductory art history.

Dates – June 2012 – present
Funding – UBC Okanagan Innovations in Teaching and Learning Research Grant
Researchers – Hussein Keshani, Nathalie Hager, Nadine Bradshaw

The Interface includes a map, a row of stories to select, an place to drag selected stories and an timeline.
The interface includes a map, a row of stories to select, a place to drag selected stories and a timeline.
When a story is dragged from the bottom to the empty circles in the top right corner, the related regions are shown, as are their time lines.
When a story is dragged from the bottom to the empty circles in the top right corner, the related regions are shown, as are their time lines.
When the option to enter a story is selected a title page is summoned and a module discussing the transcultural exchange of art is played.
When the option to enter a story is selected a title page is summoned and a module discussing the transcultural exchange of art is played.

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