Mini Inquiry Oct. 6 – sketch project

The leaf that I decided to sketch was not my original idea. I had brought to class a shell from Mexico and a rock from Tofino. On my way to class however, I couldn’t help but notice how many leaves were all over the ground. I picked up one that was not particularly interesting or unique. It was the same colour orange as the hundreds of others surrounding it. I think it is important to make the time to slowly observe and take in one’s surroundings. One can look at the same thing a dozen times and not notice a significant detail – which was demonstrated in the McNamara article. On further inspection of the leaf you can see all the unique folds, edges, and cracks. There are details visible only when one takes the time to look. It is important to try and take steps beyond what is familiar and try and understand something that is outside one’s comfort zone.

One can’t help but wonder: What tree did the leaf come from? How did it get there? Where would it have gone if I had not picked it up?

All of these questions relate to our students as well.

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One Comment

  1. A lovely sketch and sentiment Darrien. The metaphor of leaf as student is so true. When we take the time to look closer… oh, how we can learn so much (and develop more questions!)

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