Apple has done it once again, another successful product release. Per usual, there were long line-ups outside of stores around the globe with people impatiently waiting. What did they have in store for them this time? Apple’s new iPhone 6, with new features such as a  bigger screen, making it easier to type and watch videos.


However, my question is, why does Apple get such a huge response from its customers with the release of a bigger screen when companies like Samsung have done so long before. Samsung was able to release devices with bigger screens and higher quality cameras months before the release of the iPhone 6, but did not get nearly the same reaction from its customers. According to experts, the reason for this is because when people own Apple products, they are making a style/fashion statement; it shows others who they are and what they value.


What astounds me is Apple’s amazing marketing strategy. They are able to get the same great response and reaction from their customers with the release of each new product year after year. I believe that the secret to their success is their ability to create products that are simple to use, yet better than competing brands. They offer remarkable customer service and spend a lot of one on one time with them. Apple should be the role model for competing industries, especially when it comes to marketing strategies and keeping the customers coming back.




“Is McDonald’s Losing the Happy Meal Crowd”???

As I was scrolling down a list of articles, one in particular caught my attention called “Is McDonald’s Losing the Happy Meal Crowd”. What I found alarming is that McDonald’s, one of the most successful and flourishing businesses in the globe is experiencing difficulty, and is slowly losing an important category of customers, kids.


People are finally choosing to feed their children healthier food. According to Crain’s Chicago Business, “McDonald’s has lost its first-place position as the chain with the most “kid appeal” ”. Its competing restaurants now include Sandleman & Associates, and Chick-fil-A. I believe that if things continue to progress this way, McDonald’s will completely lose this vital category of customers. It is essential for the company to think of ways of regaining its initial success and attracting newer customers. Much of this has to do with the fact that people are finally realizing that McDonald’s is not a nutritious food choice for their children. It was reported that the “global same store sales fell 3.7 percent, the worst decline in a decade”. This poses a serious threat and it is up to them become more innovative and to develop new marketing strategies.


Ethics Blog 1

Business ethics is a concept that is constantly debated and remains a global issue within companies all over the world. A business’s responsibility goes far beyond meeting government regulations, “ethics transcend legal requirements and contractual obligations”. It is of great importance and vitality for businesses to care about the environment, and society as a whole; to keep in mind that their actions truly impact their surroundings, this is referred to as having a “social conscience”. On July 2014, German shipping company Hapag-Lloyd changed its regulations regarding the sales of old vessels. They said that they “would no longer sell phased-out cargo vessels on global markets” due to the fact that they were concerned with the working conditions of the labourers. This is an example of a company taking steps and measures to ensure the well being of workers in foreign countries. Hapag-Lloyd took full responsibility and action which is what all companies around the globe should be committed to doing.

Graupner, Hardy. “Hapag-Lloyd Alters Scrapping Policy, Citing Ethics | Business | DW.DE | 11.08.2014.” DW.DE. N.p., 11 Aug. 2014. Web. 09 Sept. 2014. <>.

Micallef, Tony. “Radical, Reliable Road Maps.” Times of Malta. N.p., 06 Sept. 2014. Web. 09 Sept. 2014. <>.