Ear acupuncture training 2009
In June, 2009 I trained in the use of NADA acupuncture from the National Acupuncture for Detoxification Association, and the Shen Protocol taught by Dr. W. Walker, TCM. Both protocols are useful in treating trauma and withdrawal symptoms, insomnia, and anxiety and can bring great relief to my clients who are in urgent situations. I was certified as an Acudetox Specialist in 2010. I conduct group sessions as the need arises.
Craniosacral Therapy training 1993
In November 1993, I took Craniosacral I (Basic) from the Upledger Institute. Craniosacral therapy is a very gentle physical technique that can facilitate structural, muscular and other soft tissue release of restrictions (due to trauma or stress) in the body. In November 1994, I took Craniosacral II (Advanced) from the Upledger Institute. Since November 1993, I have developed, through research and practice, a form of body work that is particularly suited for psychotherapy. This gentle bodywork incorporates craniosacral therapy and soft tissue manipulation techniques that clients have found to be comforting and helpful.
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