Category: Teaching Innovations

Learning about diversity can be a struggle

I have learned over the years that some of my most successful teaching moments come after a full term of kind, strong, consistent hard work. Here is an in-depth reflection from a student who struggled in class right up until

Teaching honour and integrity

Inquiry: How can I help law enforcement studies students grow their integrity “muscles” and prepare to work on the honour system that will be required in their future careers? Strategy: LESD/ LAWS1207 Honour-system explained.   In Dr. Ariely’s documentary (on Netflix), he

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Using comics to rehearse best practice.

Inquiry: How do I work around students’ implicit bias and create a learning opportunity for evidence-based discussion of sexism and homophobia? Strategy: I wanted to use students own lived experiences of sexism and/or homophobia. In addition, I wanted the learning process

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