Tag: English

Life Outside the Box Learning Institute

 From Grade 1 to graduate school, traditional tutoring to innovative learning support, online and face-to-face, Life Outside the Box can help you love learning. Dr. Jessica Motherwell McFarlane, Ph.D. Teaching Excellence Award Winner, JIBC   Strong beginning. Newly expanded. Life

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That phone in students’ hands? Hmmm…

Here is a summary of my Pecha Kucha Challenge presented at eTUG: Pushing Boundaries: Digital Spaces: Proposal: 6 slides in 6 minutes, GO! _________________________ “How can that phone in students’ hands be useful in the classroom?” Learning about diversity by watching student-creating

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Taking integrity to the gym

Taking Integrity to the Gym: Using the honour system and reducing cheating. One night I was relaxing at home watching super star psychologist, Dr. Dan Ariely, talk about cheating in his documentary, The Truth About (Dis)honesty. His work is scientifically

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Criteria for forming Team-based Learning teams on class #1

I use team-based learning in all my courses. After I had a year with one or two teams that lagged behind the others. Team-based learning expert, Jim Sibley, suggested the following criteria to form teams. These team-forming criteria worked well

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Slack line as a metaphor for community outreach

I have often thought about the precarious and tentative first attempts we need to take to build new community contacts. Indeed, the journey toward building a new community is like learning to walk on a slack line; we fall off — a

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Genius-inspired questions

There is a very important practice that great detectives, Pulitzer Prize winners, and creative geniuses have in common — a practice of asking paradigm-busting questions. The following Genius-inspired Questioning process was inspired by three books (see references below). I hope that

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Expressing gratitude to our Aboriginal Nations

At the start of every class, one student could opt to do a bonus point activity and recite our collective expression of gratitude to our local Aboriginal nation for sharing their land so we could work, play, and live on

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Reading sprees: many readers lighten the load

Here is a PDF version of the presentation I gave at Vancouver island University about “reading sprees” — dividing up a text and assigning different parts to different teams to teach back. In this example I discuss the work we

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