Fly At Risk

Name: Cheralyn Chok

UBC Major: B.Comm

Year in E101 Class: 2014

Name of Current Business: Fly At Risk

Fly At Risk 1

What we do in our business:
Fly At Risk is a whimsical collection of clothing and accessories for men, women, and children, inspired by travels, poetry, and all things floral. By the creation of one-of-a-kind, handmade, high quality garments, Fly At Risk stresses how the details and little things are important in life.

Why this particular business?
Since I was five, I’ve dreamed of running my own clothing label. Growing up designing outfits and altering store-bought clothing allowed me to express my own personality through style, which is something I want to make accessible to everyone. For me, Fly At Risk is really an exploration beyond the norm, bringing beauty and the unexpected to the every day.

Biggest day-to-day challenges as an entrepreneur:
My biggest challenge is definitely finding the right balance between school, work, Fly At Risk, and keeping up with my other commitments, like Blank Vinyl Project and music ministry at my church. Sometimes it can get lonely, sewing and working by myself, but I am reminded constantly that I am so blessed to be able to pursue my passions through Fly At Risk.

Greatest delights in being an entrepreneur:
I have been so grateful to make the connections that I have through Fly At Risk. Everyone that I’ve met, whether it’s at a craft market or through the shop I sell my products in, have been so encouraging and willing to help spread the word about my business. At the end of the day, people make the business, and I love that Fly At Risk has enabled me to make so many meaningful connections.


Four key pieces of advice you would give to future entrepreneurs:
1. Know what your company stands for. Don’t allow your values to escape you as you develop your business- if you have strong core values, chances are your business will be able to withstand a lot of stress.

2. Packaging is just as important as the product itself. And it’s not just about how the product is wrapped. Packaging is how you market your product, how you speak to customers, and how your product is shown in your personality.

3. Network. Networking is such a great skill and tool to have. The opportunities presented by attending conferences, networking sessions, and club events are unlimited. You will meet so many inspiring professionals who can help you and give you wisdom that will definitely come in handy.

4. Have fun with your venture. You’ve still got so much time to make mistakes and learn from them. Take risks, follow your gut feeling, and make sure you’re doing what you love.

Where do you see yourself going as an entrepreneur in the future?
I definitely want to pursue Fly At Risk after graduation, expand into a bricks and mortar store, and add more clothing to my product mix. My goal is to keep my production local, and use my business to make a positive difference to communities across the globe. I can’t wait to see what the next few years bring!


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