Franck Point

Name: Franck Point

Name of current business: Faubourg Paris


What we do in our business:
Faubourg Paris, Vancouver’s answer to Parisian elegance and decadent gastronomic adventures, is a trio of boulangerie pâtisseries that caters to sophisticated gourmands and amateur epicures alike. With locations in Kerrisdale, Downtown and West Vancouver, Faubourg offers authentic, artisanal French delicacies and an elegant Parisian experience

Why this particular business?
I wanted to bring something new and exciting to Vancouver’s market and share my passion for bread, viennoiseries and pastries with our customers.

Biggest day-to-day challenges as an entrepreneur:
My greatest challenges are ensuring that my staff are motivated and share my vision, that our supreme level of quality and service never falters and that I can listen to and receive feedback from my customers.

ice cream

Greatest delights in being an entrepreneur:
Having the same staff on board that I’ve had since day one. This shows me that they’re passionate about their work and our products. Also, having regular customers that over the years have become friends. Most importantly, I take joy from having so many customers that genuinely love our products and refer us to their friends.

Key pieces of advice you would give to future entrepreneurs:
To succeed as an entrepreneur, you have to be generous, humble and stick to your word. Also, continue to challenge yourself to see what you can do better today than you did yesterday.

Where do you see yourself going as an entrepreneur in the future?
Using the knowledge I’ve gained from starting my business in Vancouver and the passion I have for our products, I’d like to take Faubourg Paris global.


Faubourg Video

Faubourg-HD 720p from e101 on Vimeo.

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