Leo Zuckerman Inc.

Name: Leo Zuckerman

UBC Degree: Film Production

Year in e101 Class: 2013

Current Business: Leo Zuckerman Inc.

What we do in our business:
We are a film production company that creates inspired, original content for commercial brands. We specialize in action sports, lifestyle and outdoor production, and are best known for our innovate cinematography, attention to detail and creative visual story telling techniques.

Why this particular business:
I’ve always had a passion for visual story telling. At a young age, I discovered photography and when I was 12, I got my first camera. Soon after, I took an interest in cinematography, and came to UBC to study film production. As a student at UBC, I began taking on my first large contracts for commercial work.

Biggest day to day challenges as an entrepreneur:
My biggest challenge is coping with the duality of running the business as well as providing the services as an artist. Not just because it’s a lot of work, but because of the nature of inherent conflict between art and business.

Greatest delight in being an entrepreneur:
Working on your own schedule, and the sense of reward and accomplishment when you do something right or create something great.

Four key pieces of advice you would give to entrepreneurs:
1. There are good days and bad days. Running your own business can be a roller coaster. Be aware of what you’re getting into.

2. Protect yourself.

3. The ingenuity of your product or service is only half the battle. Be prepared to hustle or be hustled.

4. There are people out there with way more experience than you. Be humble, and keep your cool.


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