Leon van der Poel

Name: Leon van der Poel

Name of Current Business: Ineo Growth Strategizers Inc.

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What we do in our business:
We provide consulting, coaching and advisory services to technology companies, providing our clients with an objective and independent voice. Specifically, our focus is on helping our customers grow their business using proven tools that can map our clients’ business and growth options. We align those options with our clients’ strategic vision using our unique Explore. Define. Execute.™ approach, which provides practical recommendations to drive business results.

Why this particular business?
My business partner and I have had the opportunity to live and work on multiple continents in multiple countries, for companies at different stages of maturity and size. This type of insight and experience is rare and extremely valuable for companies with the strategic objective to grow – not only domestically, but potentially also across borders and continents. Canada, and especially, BC is a great place to work and live. We are helping to create more big companies in BC, and bring more investment to BC – both of these have a significantly positive impact on our local economy, for example through the creation of more jobs. It is exciting and fun!

Biggest day-to-day challenges as an entrepreneur:
Staying focused – there are so many things that can be done, but only a few that MUST be done NOW.

Greatest delights in being an entrepreneur:
Freedom and being in control of my own destiny

Four Key pieces of advice you would give to future entrepreneurs:
In no particular order:
1) Be very clear on your “Why” and write it down. If you can create an emotional connection with it, even better.
2) Keep a journal to document your (daily) successes and lessons learned, as well as new ideas.
3) Establish a support network consisting out of mentors, advisors, co-founders and/or a Board.
4) You will make mistakes and fail sometimes. Get up and over it… QUICKLY. Be strong and committed but flexible at the same time. Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart!

Where do you see yourself going as an entrepreneur in the future?
Infinity and beyond!


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