Solo vs. Co-Founders
Too many entrepreneurs slide into co-founder teams without thinking enough about who they are getting into this with and whether they are better off moving forward with a team or on their own. How to make a decision with so many pluses and minuses on both sides?
Text Insights
To start, we have gathered a large, balanced set of articles from leading entrepreneurial magazines, journals and experts. The articles are focused on three main topics:
A. Starting a business as a single founder
B. Starting a business with a partner
C. Starting a business with family
We’ve copied the words from each set of articles into the textisbeautiful text analytics site. The site scans all the content in each of the areas and generates a cloud that pulls out the key concepts that keep coming up over and over again.
Below you’ll find the mass article concept clouds for each of the 3 areas: single founder, partner & family. What insights can you take away in each area?
Starting a business as a single founder
1.Take a look first at the concept cloud for the text from all the articles on starting a business as a single founder. What keen observations do you have about the concepts that come up repeatedly in these articles about starting a business on your own?
Starting a business with a partner
2. Take a look now at the concept cloud for the text from this balanced group of articles on starting a business with a partner. What observations do you have about the concepts that come up strongly in these articles about starting a business with a partner?
Starting a business with family
3. Finally, please analyze the concept cloud for the text from the articles on starting a business with family. What do you notice about the concepts that come up strongly in this group of articles?
Key Founder Focus Differences
4. What are the key differences you see between these three sets of Founder articles?