But How Will You Make Money?

Good news. You have eager customers, a product or service that people like and much work on the horizon. What remains to be seen is if all of this excitement can be translated into a sustainable and profitable business.

The Case Of The Lemon Meringue Cups

Take a look at what happens to our protagonists…


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Taking a Beat
Before our two baking whiz friends quit their day jobs and dive head-on into the lemon meringue cup business

A. What are some potential money pits/dangers that Maddie and Natalie need to look out for in starting this particular business?

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B. What are some concrete things that Maddie and Natalie can do to try to turn this popular lemon meringue cup product into a viable, exciting business?

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Over to You

C. What are potential money pits/dangers in your business idea?

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D. What are some concrete things that you can do to try to ensure the profitability of your own business?

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