Your Design Scan

When it comes to designing products and positioning services, entrepreneurs will obviously be influenced by their own tastes.

The Oxford Dictionary offers up three definitions of ‘taste’ that are particularly relevant here:

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Some of the most successful entrepreneurs infuse their offerings with their own design fingerprints while also appealing to the tastes of a broad range of customers.

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1. What are 3 or 4 products that particularly impress you with their design? What appeals to you most in these designs?

2. What are 3 or 4 magazines or websites whose aesthetics particularly appeal to you? Why them?

3. What common design elements can you see through these products, magazines and websites you have chosen?

4. What elements of your own personal taste do you think will inevitably come through in any product or branding you design or direct? How might this help you? What do you need to be careful of in your design approach?

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