Early Childhood Intervention: Module One – Typical and Atypical Development

Thinking or Evaluation Skills

Cognitive Development: Thinking or Evaluation Skills1

Cognitive skills allow a child to function well in school and society. These skills refer to a child’s ability to receive, process and organize information in a way that allows him or her to use the information properly, both in the present time and later on. They include simple and complex skills.




  • paying attention to and concentrating on a task or activity
  • easily changing from one task to another
  • recognizing and understanding when a situation is unsafe
  • pointing out that something is silly
  • identifying missing parts of objects
  • engaging in divergent and creative thinking, or thinking “outside the box”
  • answering “why do we” questions
  • adjusting to changes in the environment and modifying (see full Glossary) one’s plans, accordingly
  • remembering directions and instructions
  • generalizing (see full Glossary) what one has learned from one situation to the next
  • being able to give simple directions
  • being able to describe a certain goal viewing a situation from more than one perspective
  • understanding that there are consequences to one’s actions.

1 see References


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