Early Childhood Intervention: Module One – Typical and Atypical Development

Development in Early Elementary

Motor Development: How Development in the Early Childhood Years Affects Development in the Elementary School Years1

The development of more complex skills is not possible without the development of earlier, less complex skills. For example:

  • For children, fine motor skills include holding pencils and crayons, eating with utensils properly, tying shoe laces and playing the piano.
  • Activities that require gross/ large motor skills and that impact on other skills and activities  include the following:
    • Moving around the school, up and downstairs
    • Participating in PE (Physical education class) and in school sports
    • Play and socializing at recess and lunch hours
  • For grown-ups, fine motor skills include being able sign one’s name, pour coffee, shell a hard-boiled egg and unwrap and eat a burger.


As an adult think of what the eye/hand coordination you need in order to get a simple cup of coffee from a coffee shop:

  • you have to reach into your pocket, get your wallet and pay either with cash or a card
  • you have to put your change in your wallet, punch in a debit card code, or sign your credit card receipt
  • you have to pick up your cup of coffee from a counter
  • you may have to pick up a milk carafe and pour the milk into your cup
  • you may have to open up a small sugar container and pour it into your coffee
  • you have to lift your cup into your mouth to enjoy your
  • You also need to know what you are doing―none of that would have been possible without your eye/hand coordination: moving your hands towards what you see!
1 see References


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