Juliet O’Brien: Thu. 24 February 2011 CANCELLED

talk and meeting CANCELLED–APOLOGIES–unforeseen circumstances w.r.t. speaker.
6.00 p.m., FHIS Lounge (Buchanan Tower 799)
“François Rigolot: Renaissance Medievalist”

(This talk is work in progress–and therefore not in its finished final form–in preparation for the RSA-Montréal. The abstract for which iteration follows below. JO’B will supply the finished paper after the RSA to anyone who would like a copy, just send her an email.)

While François Rigolot may be best known as a groundbreaking Renaissance scholar, he is also a groundbreaking Medievalist and has been key to bringing the two fields closer together.

This may be most obvious in his work on the transitional zone between these periods, on late 15th– to early 16th-century poetry (from, e.gg., Jean Lemaire de Belges to Clément Marot). Yet Rigolot’s contributions to literary criticism have also had a broader renovative impact on the larger literary field, including the literature of medieval France: lyric and literary subjectivity, poetic personaécriture féminine, and paranomasia.

This paper endeavours to redress the balance, in homage to Rigolot the Medievalist: looking at his influence on, and reception by, medieval literary studies; and offering a close-reading of some sample poetry from the late 12th to early 13th centuries—another transitional period—as a practical demonstration of the usefulness of Rigolot’s innovations.

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