UBC Medieval Workshop: 7-8 November 2014

Next weekend sees UBC and SFU host the 42nd Annual Medieval Workshop (on Friday 7th and Saturday 8th November).

Most of the conference will be held at Green College, UBC, while the concluding Saturday evening plenary will be held at the SFU Harbour Centre (see program for location addresses and times).

There are two plenary lectures, which all would be especially encouraged to attend:

On Friday 7th November,
from 12pm to 1pm,
in Buchanan A 102, UBC Campus:

  • Jonathan Hsy (George Washington University),
    “Ecolinguistics in Theory and Practice: Premodern Worlds and the Life of Languages”

On Saturday 8th November,
at 5pm, followed by a reception,
in the Joseph and Rosalie Segal Centre, Room 1420-1430, at SFU Harbour Centre in downtown Vancouver:

  • Laurie Shannon (Northwestern University),
    “‘The Fabrick of the Wing’: Minute Bodies and Human Defect, circa 1600’”

REGISTRATION: there is no registration fee, but if you are intending to attend the majority of the workshop, please email Robert Rouse by Tuesday 4th November at (robert.rouse@ubc.ca) so that he can put your name on the attendees list (and have a conference name tag printed). There is no need to RSVP in this manner if you are already on the program as a speaker or a session chair.

The conference program can be accessed from the links below:



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