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Archive for the 'Aboriginal Title and Rights' Category

#AAA2011 Anthropology Meeting in Montreal – our panel Thursday a.m.

3-0040 GITXAAŁA LAXYUUP (KITKATLA NATION): TRACING GITXAALA HISTORY AND CULTURE THROUGH ARCHAEOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY. Share | Thursday, November 17, 2011: 08:00-09:45   Abstract is available to registrants only. Please log in or register to view abstract text. This session would be of particular interest to: Those involved in mentoring activities, Students, Teachers of Anthropology in […]

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Gitxaala Defends Sovereignty of Laxyuup

Update:  December 2, 2010.  Blockade to come down following Minister of Forests promise to meet with Gitxaala leadership. ——– Going on two weeks now Gitxaala Hereditary leaders have engaged in a public act of asserting their sovereignty over the Laxyuup Gitxaala (traditional territory). Two primary reasons have been given: (1) the logging company, Triumph Timber, […]

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It was one of those moments that you wonder why bother, what’s the point of intervening, yet you do it anyway.  Here I was enjoying myself skipping from session to session -marine protected areas in one session, women and democracy at a poster session, forestry, public anthropology and then -why not- a session on the […]

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