Terms of Use / Contact

Ecologies of Harm includes the work of many contributing researchers, advocates and other witnesses. The map makes visible diverse voices, localities and projects. We respect the intellectual labour of those who contribute to this archive.

Survey results may be used and shared within the bounds of creative commons license requiring attribution (you must give appropriate credit), and for non-commercial use only. Unless stated, uploaded media (photographs, audio) may be used and shared publicly, with attribution and for non-commercial use only.

If you work with the materials contributed here or with website content, please cite the author(s): witness / researchers /advocates (if named) and, the project.

Ecologies of Harm: Mapping Contexts of Vulnerability in the Time of COVID-19. 2020. Leslie Robertson, Maya Daurio, Stephen Chignell, Anita Lacey, Sally Babidge, Danielle Gendron. Department of Anthropology, The University of British Columbia. Vancouver, Canada.

Contact Project Team 

E-mail: Anth.CovidVulnerabilityMap@ubc.ca