Welcome to the Educational Studies (EDST) 591 blog for our “Hands Back, Hands Forward” Service Learning Project. This blog introduces some of the work of our graduate (Master’s and PhD candidates) class at the University of British Columbia (UBC) from Spring 2012.
As members of this class and students at UBC, we would like to acknowledge the Musqueam people and their Ancestors and thank them for allowing us to study in one of the most beautiful places in the world, where eagles fly, salmonberries and blackberries grow in the bushes, and cedar trees reach up to the sky. On this traditional Musqueam, unceded territory, we acknowledge our privilege to be guests in this territory. Kw’as hoy.
In our class, we explored Indigenous epistemology and curriculum as it applies to the new Aboriginal Focus School in Vancouver, BC, Canada. In the top menu, you will find a link to some of the literature reviews completed by class members. The blog itself has several posts related to a variety of topics including building a healthy school, decolonizing pedagogies and more; as well, there are introductions and supporting materials for the projects we worked on such as handbooks, training materials and other practical applications of what we learned in our review of previous research and thought on a variety of topics.
Feel free to share and comment as you explore our blog. We hope that you find this blog useful in your work.
Hands Back – Hands Forward Blog by UBC EDST 591 Class is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.