This project explores ideas for designing a curriculum for the instruction of more than one Indigenous languages, and one or more foreign languages at the Vancouver School Board Aboriginal Focus School. I will advocate for language immersion as a model of instruction. I will describe how that traditional instruction in Aboriginal performative arts – including theatre, music, dance, and oration – can serve as a framework for teaching Indigenous languages.
Entries Tagged as 'Pedagogy'
Language Immersion & Performative Arts
April 30th, 2012 · No Comments
Tags: Pedagogy · Practical Projects
Decolonizing Pedagogies Teacher Reference Booklet
March 22nd, 2012 · No Comments
Decolonizing Pedagogies Teacher Reference Booklet presents:
- an overview what “decolonizing pedagogies” means;
- how and why educational scholars and Indigenous educators suggest they be used to support learning in Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal education;
- examples of decolonizing pedagogies (especially in history education); and,
- some challenges identified by educators and scholars in implementing decolonizing pedagogies.
The project is based on a literature review using primarily Canadian sources, research that focuses largely on history education, and with reference to broadly/generally conceived notions of educational needs (rather than place- or community-specific). The booklet does not provide fail-safe formulas, but rather pieces of the puzzle that may help teachers, parents and learning-community members see a more comprehensive picture of connections between decolonizing education and making more space for Indigenous knowledge and pedagogy.
Heather E. McGregor
Tags: Pedagogy · Practical Projects