Relationships are very much like a garden. They need nurturance, patience, and attention to flourish. So, too, do the relationships that support a healthy learning environment. As a community, dedicate time to learn and practice ways of communicating that are mutually supportive.
Aspect 2: Cultivating Relationships
- Bring together Students, Teachers, Parents, Administrators, Community members, in a social, informal setting with activities that include all ages and share a meal
- In an open forum, discuss and establish possible goals for the year:
- transformation via collaboration
- healthy, respectful communications
- constructive problem solving
- Model relationships built upon respect, trust, inclusion, and community relations. Be explicit with instruction and offer positive feedback.
- Seek help in facilitating and modelling healthy communications:
- Model a consensus process
- Practice conflict resolution
- Model respectful disagreement
- Strategies for emotional support during interpersonal communications
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