“One for one” business model


I was interested in this article talking about successful entrepreneurs and Blake Mycoskie founder of TOMS’s shoes was mentioned in the article as one of them.
I was aware of TOMS slogan called “one for one,” which gives out shoes to a child in need for every purchase made, but never paid special attention to it until I learned about the Social Entrepreneur in one of my classes. I became interested in this new business field which directly and skillfully appeals to human conscience.

Let’s say there are 2 identical products where one is just a normal product and the other allows you to take part in a social movement that provides shoes for kids with basic needs. I believe majority would prefer the second choice because one can be a part of social movement by just purchasing a pair of favorite shoes. TOMS’s social media is carefully designed to make one want to be a part of the team. Such awareness building and sense of involvement and attachment will eventually end up raising customers’ trust and loyalty toward the company. Furthermore, the unique and appealing “one for one” business model can differentiate its products from others in order to attract more customers.

The lesson from this
It is the effort needed to attach clients with an unique concept in order to stick the client to its brand. TOMS, a social entrepreneur who induces clients to purchase favorite shoes and help those with needs at the same time is a great example of such efforts.

TOMS official website

TOMS official website

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