Czech-in’ Out Prague

What can’t I say about Prague. This city had it all. For me, Prague was a crossroads between worlds. It combined the mystery and magic of Eastern Europe with a modern lifestyle.

The beautiful city of buildings almost a millennium old was vibrant and splendid. While I will fully admit that I have become enamored with almost every city I’ve traveled to on my exchange, Prague numbers among my favorites. It’s hard to describe exactly how I felt, watching the mist creep over the river, seeing snowflakes fall softly while crossing the bridge, looking out over the expanse of multicolored old buildings from the top of the city hall tower. All I can say is that I felt a yearning to be a part of this city. I felt incredibly, indescribably drawn to Prague.


Prague was full of so many beautiful destinations (and so many fantastic rooftop views) but I have to admit that it was the libraries that inspired me the most. Shelves stacked with dusty old tomes…glittery illuminated covers…mysterious astronomical globes, ethereal hand painted ceilings…it was a literary dream come true.

Prague has something for everyone …incredible history, beautiful architecture, great shopping, rich food.

My parents took me to Prague when I was a little over a year old. Returning to it almost 20 years later (though I remembered nothing from the first time) was a magical experience. Sharing it with 2 amazing people made it even better!

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– Everything is so inexpensive – beer is cheaper than water!
Czech beer – the lighter beers were so easy to drink and yet so flavorful.
– Stunning scenery and architecture – Prague is fantastic for your IG aesthetic.
– “Ahoy” – this is literally how you say ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’ and this gives me life.
– Breathtaking libraries


– Not all signs are in English (but with Google Maps this isn’t a huge deal anyway).
– The food could be very heavy on occasion (no greens but still delicious)

**my favorites

Day 1:
– Petrin Hill**
– Mini Eiffel Tower
– Mirror Hall
– Old Town
– Astronomical Clock**

Day 2:
– Dancing House
– Farmer’s Market**
– Wenceslav Square
– Old Town Hall & Tower
– Museum of Communism
– Prasna Brana

Day 3:
– Charles Bridge
– Lennon Wall**
– Prague Castle**
– St. Vitus Cathedral (+grave of St. Wenceslav)
– Prague Basilica
– Golden Lane
– Strahov Monastary and Library**

Day 4:
– Jewish Quarter (Old/New Synagogue, Pinkas Synagogue**, Spanish Synagogue)
– Clementinum National Library**

American & Out of Touch

“This loss hurts. But please, please never stop believing that fighting for what’s right is worth it. It’s always worth it. And we need you keep up these fights now and for the rest of your lives.” – Hillary Clinton

Yesterday morning I woke up to my worst nightmare – a misogynist, a racist, a supremely unqualified political joke was elected to be the next president of the United States.

In a world where tens of horrible things happen every day, not much can shake me. The last time I remember crying when watching the news was during 9/11 – I was 6 years old and I didn’t understand what was going on but my mom was crying and that more than anything terrified me. A lot of terrible things have happened since 2001 but even when seeing some of the worst, I would simply feel numb, or shocked, or helpless.

But yesterday when I saw that Trump was elected, for the first time in 15 years I cried watching the news. Trump’s election was a wakeup call – it showed me how out of touch I am with the American people.

I grew up in Seattle – one of the most liberal parts of the country – in a multicultural family and surrounded by well-educated, multicultural people. I attend university (and have spent the last 3 years in) Canada – one of the best educated and most liberal countries in the world. I currently live in Denmark, another remarkably educated and liberal country. The Americans I grew up around were mostly liberal. The Americans I study with in Canada are most definitely liberal. The Americans I’ve met traveling around the world are without doubt very liberal.


“Life is tough my darling, but so are you.” – Stephanie Bennett-Henry


In my 21 years of life, tolerance and acceptance have been the mantra of the people around me. “Love yourself and others.” “Treat others how you want to be treated.” “Appreciate each other’s differences and learn from them.” “Be a voice for people who don’t have a voice.” “Let any of you who is without sin be the first to throw the stone.”

Meeting someone intolerant was something of an anomaly – to be talked about around the dinner table or laughed at in conversations with friends. I grew used to rolling my eyes at ‘the type of people that vote for Trump’ without realizing how much of a bubble I live in. Every place I’ve been to, I’ve largely met like-minded people. In voting for Hillary and what she stood for, I thought I was in the majority. I thought wrong.

The optimist in me, growing up in the circumstances I did, couldn’t believe that my country would, when it came down to it, elect Trump for president. How could people be so upset, so angry, so biased that they would elect someone that not only was completely unqualified but also so morally questionable to represent our country? Trump’s election yesterday promptly popped the bubble for me.

“When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.” – Henry Ford

I cried yesterday because my understanding of the United States of America has fundamentally altered. I cried because I felt out of place as an American citizen and I didn’t feel connected to the American people. I cried because I felt helpless. I felt helpless because I voted, the people of my state voted, and we overwhelmingly stood up for what we believed in – but we were outnumbered.

Coming out of this nightmare, I have realized something important. I am privileged to have grown up in a community that encourages educated discourse, and tolerance. I am privileged to have a college education. I am privileged to be exposed to the people I am. I am privileged to understand the benefits of diversity and personally benefit from them.

At the same time, I need to recognize that my response to others who haven’t grown up with the same benefits was at times patronizing and even condescending. I need to put that mindset aside and focus on understanding and educating rather than blaming and criticizing. Only then will I fully understand what brought the United States to this point, and start to make real change happen. I will never have the same view of what it is to be an ‘American’ but I will also strive towards helping my country fit the ideal I had in my mind.

When I talked to my dad yesterday, he encouraged me not to “give up on the United States” and I won’t. I am so uplifted by the response I’ve seen from my friends, my family, even strangers. They have reminded me that America the Beautiful was founded on ideals that don’t waver, regardless of the politicians and parties that have power. Knowing for the first time in my life what it feels like to have those values challenged, I will fight even harder.

I will follow the examples of President Obama and Secretary Clinton – both gracious and optimistic in their defeat – and I will recognize that love will always trump hate, even if it takes time. Most importantly, I will not give up. 



What’s On My Bookshelf?

“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.” – C.S. Lewis

A self-declared ‘book nerd,’ I have always been obsessed with literature – especially classic literature. I can remember many a night where I have stayed up past my bedtime with a flashlight in hand for the sole purpose of getting through the next chapter.

However, when I started university, I found it hard to work in time for ‘pleasure reading.’ Between studying, socializing, and getting involved around campus, it was easy to overlook one of my favourite pastimes – to simply push my reading list off until the summer when I would “have more time.” Luckily, sometime during my sophomore year I came to my senses and made a plan.

I decided to read 30 minutes every night before bed at a minimum. There are obviously nights where this doesn’t happen and there are nights where I end up reading 2 hours after getting carried away. Overall though, I have more or less been able to stick to my commitment and it has vastly improved my daily life. Not only am I better at getting through my (seemingly unending) reading list and venturing into previously unknown areas of knowledge, but I also clear my head and sleep much better than I did before. It’s so easy to allocate 30 minutes – especially given most of us can easily take up this time perusing our phones – and there’s so much to gain from it. I highly recommend it.

One of the best parts of traveling is having even more time to read…whether it be during the 30 minutes between flights, or on a long train ride, or snuggled up under a mountain of covers when the weather in Copenhagen gets too cold. Since my travels have allowed me to get through quite a few books, I’ve decided to share the books that have been my recent and current companions.

If you have any book suggestions, I am more than happy to take them!

Currently Reading: 

1Q84 by Haruki Murakami

10357575This book’s style is really intriguing to me. Murakami writes in a straightforward way that, as my dad pointed out, is very unusual for someone who is Japanese (maybe one of the reasons my mom doesn’t like his writing). Despite his straightforwardness, there is so much meaning that only develops over time and I’ve found myself on my toes for the entire time. I can’t seem to put this book down – I’ve finished half the book in less than a week – and I can’t wait to see how it turns out.

Favourite Quote (so far): “‘According to Chekhov…once a gun appears in a story, it has to be fired.'”

Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë

432394Wuthering Heights has been one of my favourite books since I first read it and has continued to be through my many re-reads. I’ll never get tired of the wildness of the moors or the tragic and terrible romance that is Heathcliff and Cathy. Who doesn’t love a book where the characters don’t conform to rules of ‘right and wrong.’ This current re-read is for my book club with my friend Megan – I’m enjoying it just as much as the first time I read it!

Favourite Quote
: “He’s more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.”

Recently Read: 

The Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison

23009896What a mesmerizing read. Ellison’s book is as relevant now as when it was published. Understanding the perspective of a black man in a white society (as portrayed by an anonymous narrator) is incredibly enlightening and fascinating. As a person of colour I found myself sympathizing with, marveling in and appreciating the narrative. I think this is an important read for everyone given the struggles for race currently being brought to light

Favourite Quote
: “Must I strive toward colorlessness? But seriously, and without snobbery, think of what the world would lose if that should happen. America is woven of many strands, I would recognize them and let it so remain.”

The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood

38447I read this book after seeing a Facebook post from a former teacher (sharing an opinion article) that suggested that Trump’s views and the mindset supporting them may make a Handmaid’s Tale-esque world a reality. Once I started reading, I didn’t stop until I’d read the entire book – nevermind that it was 4am in the morning. This alternate, misogynistic reality is a future that Atwood herself speculated would happen (i.e. it’s classification as ‘speculative fiction’) and I myself can’t say it would be an impossibility. I won’t give away the context, or the ending, but I can say that if you haven’t already read it, you should put The Handmaid’s Tale at the top of your reading list.

Favourite Quote: “Ignoring isn’t the same as ignorance, you have to work at it.”

“Never trust anyone who has not brought a book with them.” – Lemony Snicket

1 Suitcase, 1 Carry-on, 1 Personal

“Simplicity boils down to two steps: identify the essential, eliminate the rest.” – Leo Babatua

If you know me well, you’ll be be surprised that I somehow managed to bring everything in a one check-in bag (medium-large suitcase), one carry-on bag (medium duffle bag) and one personal item (a hiking backpack). I’ve even managed to fit everything into my room without a closet and without a dresser!

Although I did buy a few things while in Denmark, I accounted for the large majority of my necessities in my packing.

Here’s how I did it!

A Quick Summary of My Packing Strategy:

  • Pack neutral colours so that you can pair everything with anything (and so that you blend in with the Europeans).
  • Speaking of Europeans… they always dress better than you do so plan on dressing up from what you normally wear back home.
  • Pack different layers! This is especially important if you’re traveling during multiple seasons like I did.
  • Think and re-think every item. “When will I wear this?” “How many different outfits can I wear this with?” “Is this worth the space it will take up?”
  • Roll everything.
  • Keep accessories simple and to a minimum. You don’t want to have to keep track of too many valuables.
  • Don’t bring unnecessary electronics (ex. hair dryers and straighteners will burn out in Europe anyway – if you need it, buy it when you arrive).
  • Don’t bring unnecessary cosmetic products (I packed some of these anyway but at the very least don’t bring your shampoo, body wash, etc.).
  • Divide heavy items between bags. Airlines may charge extra for overweight baggage but they usually don’t check the weight of your carry-on.
  • Leave room for something special to make you feel at home. You’ll want it when you’ve been abroad a while and start to miss home. For me, it was (more than) a few great books.

In Hindsight, What I Would Leave Behind:

  • Swimsuit – thinking I would use this while in Denmark or traveling was overly ambitious
  • Business heels – fancy boots function just as well in any situation here
  • Casual jackets – unlike the PNW, Denmark makes a quick transition from warm summer to cold autumn and the mid-level jacket stage was skipped

What I Wish I’d Packed: 

  • Extra converters – they’re much cheaper back home
  • Extra makeup – although you can buy makeup here, it’s much cheaper to buy at home and some of my favourite brands don’t carry over (Stila!!)
  • Mid-level layers – sweaters, cute sweatshirts, etc. Basically anything I can layer to be warmer.

My Full Packing List (for anyone who still doubts me or who needs packing inspiration):
**I know it seems like I brought a lot of stuff but consider the fact that I had to dress for two seasons AND it still fit in 1 suitcase, 1 carry-on and 1 backpack***

1 x business-appropriate heels (neutral)
1 x heeled booties (black)
1 x Hunters (black)
1 x heeled sandals (tan)
2 x sneakers (white / adidas, black / nikes)
1 x Birks
*I’ve actually worn all of these already

x shift dress (tan)
2 x black summer dresses
1 x t-shirt dress (striped)
1 x business-appropriate dress (black)

x sweaters (white, grey, striped, tan)
2 x button-ups (denim, white)
1 x lightweight workout jacket
12 x shirts (casual grey, casual white x2,  white fancy, black fancy x2, patterned crop, striped x2, workout x2)
2 x long-sleeve sleep shirts
2 x tanktops for layering (tan, black)

4 x jeans (dark wash, light wash, white, black)
1 x adidas sweats
2 x loose dress pants (black)
1 x leggings (black)
2 x workout shorts
2 x shorts (black, dark green)
1 x skirt (black denim)
1 x pajama bottoms

1 x Arcteryx rain jacket (red)
1 x Patagonia fleece pullover
1 x wool overcoat (grey)
2 x casual jackets (black, army green)
1 x loose blazer (maroon)
*you can figure out the undergarments, socks, etc. yourself

1 x laptop
1 x iPad Mini (I bought this for my trip and it’s proved amazing!)
1 x computer backup drive – important to anticipate crashes when in a foreign country
1 x cell phone
1 x camera
1 x toothbrush
1 x electronics converter (you can buy USB plug-ins anywhere so you really only need one converter)

Et cetera:
4 x scarves (2 winter, 2 summer)
1 x eyeglasses
1 x swimsuit
2 x earrings
2 x necklaces
1 x sunglasses
1 x purse (black)
1 x perfume
1 x everything makeup
1 x hair stuff (but you can buy this abroad)
1 x necessary medications 
8 x books (judge me, I don’t care)

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