When any company’s goal is to maximize their profits, it is often difficult to take ethics into account. Credit card companies (AmericanExpress, Visa, MasterCard) face a similar situation as they are accused of providing online payment services to certain organizations that are labeled as “hate groups.“ By allowing these groups to accept online credit donations, credit card companies in return are able to earn 2-3% fee on each transaction.
Some argue that it is unethical for these credit card companies to provide such services because in a way it means that they are promoting and encouraging these hate groups as well as taking advantage of them. In my opinion, the word “hate” is subjective and therefore credit card companies should have the right to profit from anyone just as “hate” groups should have the freedom to use online payment services for whatever reason. Credit card companies should not be blamed because the root of the problem comes from values and morals of “hate groups” themselves and credit card companies are only doing their job – to profit and to increase customers. A solution would be to correct the values of “hate groups” rather than putting the blame on business ethics.
Source: http://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2013/08/08/the-ethics-of-doing-business-with-hate-groups
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