An organizational culture is important in a company so that there is the same standard of value, belief and expectations across all employees in a company. Google definitely is successful in demonstrating how important establishing an enjoyable working environment can be. Employees are given the freedom to devote a portion of their work time on personal projects, which is an amazing idea because these periods of time will be an outlet for creativity and innovation. Google also provides snacks and juices for employees to munch on during breaks or while they’re working. These are examples of how Google wants to make sure that their employees are happy so they can be most productive during their work. They have all their employees working on one floor so workers can help each other along the way. This creates an environment that encourages collaboration, which is another important drive of innovation. Google sets a great example in demonstrating the need for companies to establish a working environment where employees are relaxed and happy, and when that is achieved, productivity will automatically come in place. However, it is important for companies to achieve a balance so workers don’t get overly relaxed and become lazy.
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