web development, wordpress

How to add a header image to your raw thesis theme.

Recently we got a small request to add a header image to the thesis theme. Curretly there is no option to add this to the thesis theme we are using right now. And since we don’t allow our user to make changes to theme files for security, stability and other good reasons.

However, there is a workaround, thesis allows you to place html into the footer of every page.
In case you need to add scripts to your footer (like Google Analytics tracking code).

You can use the textarea to create a header using css. The textarea can be found in the thesis options page.
thesis theme footer textarea

Here is the HTML/CSS that I am using in my case.

 background: url(https://blogs.ubc.ca/enej/files/2009/08/home.png) no-repeat 0 28px;