Category: The Empirical Pen

Coco Chen, Karen Okoyomon, Daniel Tsui, and Kitty Yan

Formal Report Outline – UBC EV Parking

Formal Report Outline – Proposal for reducing carbon emissions by incentivizing the use of electric vehicles on UBC Vancouver Campus   1. Introduction Background on Environmental Impacts from Transport Canada statistics Explanation of the typical average daily commuter to UBC

2:2 Memo for Ten Best Practices for Professional Networking on LinkedIn

To:         The Empirical Pen, Writing Team in ENGL301 99A Technical Writing 2021W From:    Kitty Yan, Member of The Empirical Pen Writing Team in ENGL301 99A Date:     October 22, 2021 Subject: Ten Best Practices for Professional Networking on LinkedIn Dear

Assignment 2.2: Memo for Best LinkedIn Practices

To:                   Team The Empirical Pen, Technical Writing 301 Team From:              Coco Chen Date:               October 22, 2021 Subject:          Best Practices for Professional Networking on Linked In   LinkedIn is a social

2.2 Linked in Best Practices

Memorandum  To: Empirical Pen, 301 Course Writing Team  From: Adrianna Mroz, 301 Student Subject: Best 10 LinkedIn Practises    Hi all, Here is a list of the best practices for using the professional networking site LinkedIn. The site has a

2.2 Best Practices for your LinkedIn Profile

To: The Empirical Pen, ENGL301 Technical Writing Team From: Karen Okoyomon, ENGL 301 Student Date: October 22, 2021 Subject: Best Practices for Networking on LinkedIn   LinkedIn has become an important part of marketing in recent years. In order to

Ten Best Practices for LinkedIn

MEMORANDUM   To:                   The Empirical Pen, ENGL 301 Technical Writing Group From:              Daniel Tsui, ENGL 301 Student Date:               October 22, 2021 Subject:           Ten Best Practices for Using LinkedIn   Dear members of The Empirical Pen team, Through my research, LinkedIn

2:1 Peer Review of Reducing E-Waste in Yellowknife

To: Adrianna Mroz, ENGL301 Student Writer From: Karen Okoyomon, ENGL301 Student Reviewer Date: October 18, 2021 Subject: Peer Review of Formal Report Proposal “Proposal for Determining Safe Disposal and Decreasing Barriers to the Recycling of E-waste in the City of

Assignment 2:1 Peer Review for incentivizing the use of electric vehicles on UBC Vancouver

To: Daniel Tsui, Student ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC From: Coco Chen, Student ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC Date: October 18, 2021 Subject: Review of Your Proposal Assignment 2:1 – Formal Report Proposal   Peer Review / Formal Report Proposal:

2:1 Peer Review of Improving the Road Planning of Guixi Park

To: Coco Chen, Fellow Student of The Empirical Pen Writing Team From: Kitty Yan, Student of the Empirical Pen Writing Team Date: October 18th, 2021 Subject: Peer Review of Formal Report Proposal to Improve the Road Planning of Guixi Park

2.1 Peer Review of Formal Proposal

  By Adrianna Mroz on October 18th, 2021 To: Daniel Tsui, English 301 Student Writer From: Adrianna Mroz, English 301 Student Reviewer Date: October 18th, 2021 Subject: Peer Review of Formal Report Proposal: Reducing carbon emissions by incentivizing the use of electric


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