2:2 Memorandum LinkedIn Best Practices – Aya

To: MARKsmen, Dr. Erika Paterson

From: Ayazhan Makhambetova

Date: February 9, 2019

Subject: Best Practices for Professional Networking on LinkedIn Memorandum

As assignment 2:2 outlines, I have listed ten best practices for using LinkedIn. Here are some tips to make the most out of your LinkedIn experience.

  1. Use a professional picture: You should maintain a picture as if you were just about to go into an interview.
  2. Get into or create LinkedIn Groups: Being a part of a LinkedIn group is the best way to meet likeminded individuals.
  3. Check in at least once a week: It is a good idea to keep an updated profile as well as to check which recruiter has checked on your profile.
  4. Be a middle person and connect others to each other: This helps to raise your profile and others may in return help you.
  5. Get verified by others on your network: Having your profile verified by others in your network helps you legitimize your presence.
  6. Consider accepting a request from a stranger: More connections you have, the better chances you have in making a meaningful connection in the future.
  7. Reach out to employees at the company that you have interest in: This may lead to a recommendation letter.
  8. Expand beyond your resume on LinkedIn: It helps that you can extend your profile with other websites linked directly via hyperlink.
  9. Use your most impressive descriptions of your jobs: A recruiter reading your profile may not have the patience to read every bit of information.
  10. Strategically reach out to those like-minded: Reach out strategically to others that have similar goals and minds.


Works Cited

Grillo, Sara. “How to use LinkedIn to land your dream job.” Business Insider, 27 April
2015, http://www.businessinsider.com/how-to-use-linkedin-to-land-your-dream-job-2015-4
Accessed 9 Feb. 2019

Radice, Rebekah. “How to Use LinkedIn to Become a Networking Superstar.” Rebekahradicehttp://rebekahradice.com/use-linkedin-to-become-a-networking-superstar/
Accessed 9 Feb. 2019

Rogers, Ray. “5 Ways to Use LinkedIn to Get a Job.” Huffington Post, 16 July 2015, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ray-rogers/5-ways-to-use-linkedin-to-get-a-job_b_7811844.html
Accessed 9 Feb. 2019

Tate, Ashley. “5 Tips on How to Use LinkedIn Better.” Real Simplehttp://www.realsimple.com/work-life/technology/how-to-use-linkedin
Accessed 9 Feb. 2019

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