YOU-attitude memo – Alicia DeGelder


To: Evan Crisp

From: Alicia DeGelder

Date: 27 February 2019

Subject: Effective email communication


After reading your email to Professor Lambert, There are some suggestions that may help this message be more effective in reaching the desired outcome.

Tips on effective email communication:

The following tips may be useful in writing effective e-mails:

  • Properly and respectfully addressing the reader
  • Consistent spacing makes for ease of reading
  • Always considering the reader’s needs
  • Phrasing questions respectfully, providing appropriate reasons for the reader to comply with the request
  • Never using slang or “text speak”
  • Ending correspondence with an appropriate signature including full name and contact information


Often email is the go-to tool for quick and efficient communication. When used appropriately and with the reader in mind, email can be an effective way to connect. I hope these suggestions will assist you in writing your email request. Please contact me with any questions or if you require further information.

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