Peer Review of Writing With You Attitude Memorandum

To:                  Kaylee Jeong’s

From:             Ayazhan Makhambetova

Date:               March 5, 2019

Subject:          Peer Review of Writing With You Attitude Memorandum

Peer Review

Kaylee, I have enjoyed reading your memorandum. Your suggestions in helping Evan shape his email to be more professional are concise and reasonable. The following is a peer review on your assignment with few suggestions to improve your writing.


Your introduction towards Evan is professional and realistic. You have addressed the positive aspects of his effort in contacting his professor and shown empathy to his situation.

List of Suggestions:

The list of suggestions is clear and concise. The use of bullet points helps readers find the information quickly. You have touched on many important items that Evan’s email required to be taken seriously. My only suggestion to improve your list’s quality would be to use either “professor” or “instructor”, rather than interchanging them.


There are few grammatical errors in the memorandum, which I have listed below:

  • In the first sentence, perhaps you meant “… register for a course you wanted to get into”, omitting the “full”.
  • Instead of saying a “course professor”, you may consider using just “professor” for simplicity.
  • In your 4thbullet point, consider breaking down the sentence after “course date and time”.
  • In the last sentence of the 4thbullet point, consider changing to “… you need as there are a lot of students he or she teaches”.
  • In your 5thbullet point, consider replacing first two “and” with a comma.


Reading your memorandum was informative and has peaked my interest in my own writing. You have done a great job in trying to relay information in terms of how Evan may perceive it. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding your peer review.


Writing with You Attitude – Kaylee Jeong

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