Peer Review of Formal Report for Madie

Dear Madie,

Your formal report, “Imposter Syndrome in the BCS Program: A Formal Report on Helping BCS Students Transition,” is very informative and I greatly enjoyed reading it, especially as someone who doesn’t know anything about the BCS program. It was clear to me what the issue is and what reasonable solutions you found to the issue. You effectively used your survey results to create a compelling case, and remain very objective throughout. The ‘Delivery Methods’ section was particularly well crafted and well written. My only overall suggestion would be to give more background information about the current status of information given to new students.



The introduction is informative, giving the appropriate amount of information in order for the reader. The wording of the questions section felt a little bit awkward. I would rephrase the second question, and perhaps the introductory sentence to the questions portion. At the very end, please describe which literature you are referring to.

Data Section:

Your figures are very clear and helpful, and the whole section is very effective in concisely conveying your findings in context. Before you begin discussing the information that students would like to have, perhaps it would be helpful for the reader to know what information new students currently receive in order to put it in context.

Considerations Section:

This section is very important and practical. You convey the information well and show the reader why these are important considerations.

Delivery Methods Section:

I’m very impressed by this section. You effectively lay out potential solutions and the pros and cons for each one which makes it easy for the reader to weigh their own priorities. The table makes it even more clear. It might be interesting to know which solution you find best as the researcher.


The conclusion does a good job summarizing your findings. It makes clear that the problem needs solving but that the solution is ultimately up to your reader. Giving him a choice will make it much more likely that he will accept one of your recommendations.


The bibliography looks good, but I would suggest at least one research based source, perhaps a source that has looked at a similar problem to yours.


The graphics are simple, but well designed and informative. They help to serve the purpose that they are intended to.


Thank you  for your report. With a few slight changes, I feel that it will be very successful.


Hannah Becker

Enclosed: FormalReport_MadeleineLeroux

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