Category: The TechniWriters

Bara’a Alabbas, Jenny Bachynski, Samuel Kobierski, Navỵ Vo

Assignment 2.3 – Formal Report Outline – Thu Vo

Formal Report Outline Enhancing the Participation of UBC Geological Sciences Students in the UBC Science Co-op program I. INTRODUCTION Definition of Co-op Program Background on the UBC Science Co-op Program for Geological Sciences Students Purpose of this report Brief description

Assignment 2:3 – Formal Report Progress Memo

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, English 301 Instructor From: Samuel Kobierski Date: February 23, 2019 Subject: English 301 – Assignment 2:3 – Formal Report Progress Memo As you requested, I am writing to you today to provide you with an update on

Assignment 2:3 – Formal Report Outline

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, English 301 Instructor From: Samuel Kobierski Date: February 23, 2019 Subject: English 301 Formal Report Outline – Proposal for the Construction of a Towing Tank at the University of British Columbia I. INTRODUCTION A. Summary B. Statement

Assignment 2:3 – Formal Report Progress Memo

To:              Dr. Erika Paterson From:         Jenny Bachynski Date:          February 22, 2019 Subject:     English 301 – Assignment 2:3 – Formal Report Progress Memo My formal report is being

Assignment 2:3 – Proposal Outline

Proposal for Increasing Participation of the VPL Children and Infant Literacy Programs I.     INTRODUCTION            A. Background information on the Vancouver Public Libraries and their programs            B. Description of how

Assignment 2.2 – Thu Vo’s Peer Review of LinkedIn Profile for Samuel Kobierski

MEMORANDUM TO:               Samuel Kobierski, Member of team The TechniWriters, English 301 99C course FROM:         Thu Vo, Member of team The TechniWriters, English 301 99C course T.V. DATE:          February 16th, 2019 SUBJECT:   301 Peer Review, Assignment

Assignment 2:2 – LinkedIn Profile – Peer Review

To: Navy Vo From: Samuel Kobierski Date: February 16, 2019 Subject: English 301 –  Assignment 2:2 – LinkedIn Profile – Peer Review Dear Ms. Vo, I have thoroughly reviewed your LinkedIn profile, using the template I created for this purpose. I found

Assignment 2:2 – Peer Review & Form for Linkedin Profile

Peer Review Sheet – Assignment 2:2 Linkedin Profile This review sheet is intended to help guide you through your reviewing process. The questions will help determine how to improve a Linkedin profile and make it as appealing as possible. Name

Assignment 2.2 – Email Memorandum: Invitation to LinkedIn – Thu Vo

MEMORANDUM To:                       Dr. Erika Paterson, English 301 Instructor, Department of English, The University of British Columbia;                     Members of team The

Assignment 2:2 – Linkedin Memo

To:              Dr. Erika Paterson & The TechniWriters From:         Jenny Bachynski Date:          February 13, 2019 Subject:     English 301 – Assignment 2:2 – LinkedIn  Memo Hi Dr. Paterson and


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