Instructor’s Blog

Instructor’s Blog

Hello, and welcome to my Blog. Below this post you will see previous posts from last semester’s class. This is the first Blog for our class. I will post a new blog regularly and include a link to each new blog on our Group FaceBook page. Please be sure to join that page now, if you haven’t already. Here is the link: English 301 .

Writing Tips: Unit Two

By erikapaterson on February 20, 2018 @6:38 am

Three Writing Tips for Unit Two Organization of Peer Reviews; Ensure that peer reviews are organized with the same sections of the document you are reviewing: Create sub-sections with titles for each section of the document you are reviewing. For

Every word you write ….

By erikapaterson on February 9, 2018 @10:53 am

Everything you write and every single word you choose is for your reader I have an important note that most of you are clear about – but I am sure some are still a little fuzzy: You need to have a

Surveys and ethical concerns:

By erikapaterson on February 3, 2018 @6:30 am

Survey Introduction: an example  A common error with this assignment is the composition of the introduction to your surveys; this is a very important. You must fulfill research ethics.  Here is a good example for you to study and follow the

Writing Tips

By erikapaterson on January 26, 2018 @10:15 am

Hello 301; Please Note: Be sure to switch up peer review partners for each new review; this will ensure the process stays interesting and enlightening. Writing Tips: the following are the most common writing tips for Unit One: Try using

Peer Review: Definition Assignment

By erikapaterson on January 25, 2019 @3:31 pm

English 301 Lesson 1:3 Assignments: Peer review An example: To XXXX From : XXXXX Peer Review / Term: Genetic Engineering Thank you for submitting your definition assignment for lesson 1:3.  Please see my review of the document below, I have


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