The Truth About Stories

Once long ago, In a magical kingdom where all the unfinished books of author are stuck together in a sort of purgatory.  There was one small book, that wanted so badly to leave this new hell that he found himself in.  He tried everything he could, tried climbing the walls, trying to dig a ditch, and even tried to fight the guards that keep these books stuck.  Then one day the book came up with a crazy idea that he thought might actually work!  He thought if he could finish his story that he might be freed of this prison of forgotten stories.

He asked all the other books around him, they would start telling their stories but then would stop right at the end.  So the little book tried piecing other stories together, he thought that he could use other stories to finish his own.  He soon realized that there was no ending to the story he had created, he was stuck in this loop of finishing a story.  And as soon as he would almost finish his story he would forgot the middle or the beginning.  The little book was stuck here in this loop forever.

He tried to get the help of the eldest book he could find, and the elder told him “you are unable to finish your book, because there is no story, the only story is stuck in your authors mind and you are unable to unlock it.  Only the author is able to tell the story”

So there were never of these narratives told. They were all forgotten….Nothing was left to say or remember…..



Well my 8 month old daughter hated my story, to be fair she only likes Good Night Moon.




This is my baby (matching for mothers day)

The rest of my family told me to “stay in school, you shouldn’t be a writer” and personally I found it extremely challenging.  In university I feel like none of my courses have ever challenged any of my creative writing skills, it is mostly just essay writing.  So I feel like my skills are severely under developed.


I used this link because I feel like the public library is the solution to the book purgatory problem.

6 Thoughts.

  1. Laryssa,
    I can relate to your experience of only being challenged in essay writing throughout university courses, opposed to having the opportunity to generally challenge our creative writing skills. In relation to your story, I found it interesting that this book was in a consistent state of being “stuck” and in order to be a complete story, it was subject to the author to finish the story. This unfinished book seemed to be enslaved to the ability of the author to finish the book, which seemed to diminish its own identity which was something I found was very interesting and thought provoking. Your story was very clear and easy to follow, which I believe is a strong component to good story telling in efforts to keep your audience engaged, which you did a very good job of. I look forward to reading more of your work. Best of luck.

    Deepak Nijjer

    • Thanks so much! Yes that is what I was going for being trapped in this universe and not ever being able to leave. Thanks best of luck to you as well

  2. Hi Laryssa,

    You have a beautiful daughter! (It’s possible I clicked on your blog because of your picture with her because I love children)
    I quite enjoyed your story and your take on the releasing of stories. I hadn’t thought about the story going the other way, where instead of a story being released and never being able to take it back – but the story isn’t really a story until it is told.

    What is also interesting in your story is that the loop that the book is stuck in is never broken. What do you think would happen if this loop were to be broken?


    • I did not think about what would happen if this loop was broken. Probably all hell would break loose hahaha

  3. Hi Laryssa,
    Cute kid! Love the photo. Your story was great, I think you could give creative writing a good go. I think there are a lot of untold, unheard and forgotten stories in the world. Maybe some of these stories are best left to be lost, while it may be our collective loss to never hear others. Representation is a objective that is important to hearing the voices of some unheard storytellers. I also thought it was great you choose to write about books for a story that was told orally! It was an interesting contrast and approach.
    Thanks for the story.


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